Chapter 7:

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The dance was tomarrow. Nash insisted on buying my dress. We walked into the dress shop and there was so many dresses.

"What type of dress are you looking for?"

A middle aged woman walked up to us. She seemed really nice.

"Its for the summer dance tomarrow"

"Ah i see. Come over here"

She brought us the a side of the store with a variety of dresses.

"Short or long?"

Nash looked over at me

"Uh short. Up to my knees or mid thigh?"

"That will work"

She pulled two dresses out and brought me to the changing room. I tried on a purple dress. It was fitted on my stomach but poofed out at the waist. It was really pretty. I walked out and Nashs jaw dropped.

"Do you like it?"

"Yea i love it!"

"Im gonna try on the other tho"


I went back in and put on the blue dress. It went up to my knees and was very tight. I didnt really like it. I walked out

"I dont like this one"

"Me either"

I put the dresses back

"Bethany whats your favorite color?"



"Yup. Cause its actually all the colors reflecting back. I could never set my mind on one color"


Nash pulled out a white dress. It was mid thigh and like the purple one it was fitted around my belly but it poofed out a little at the waist. It had a beatiful bead work too. I went to go try it on.

"This is the one"

"I was thinking the same thing"

I changed out of the dress and into my clothes. Nash took the dress to the counter and paid for it. We went home and i put my dress in the closet. I came downstairs and all the guys were here. They all came up and hugged me. They all screamed


I finally pulled away from them.

"So what do you guys want to do?"

Nash asked. Almost instantly cam said,

"Truth or dare?"

We all agreed and sat in a circle in the middle of the living room. It was (from my left) nash,cam, jack galinsky, shawn, jack johnson, matt, and carter. Sky and hayes were at Wills for the night. He wanted to take them to the movies and just decided to keep them. Cam went first

"Shawn truth or dare?"


"I dare you to lick..hmm Carters foot. Heel to toe"

Carter took his socks off and shawn actually did it. He practically drank Nashs mouth wash after though.

"Ok Galinsky truth or dare?"


"You have to take a cup of toilet water and drink it"

We all watched as jack drank toilet water. We all knew it was clean but just the thought grossed us all out. It was galinskys turn to ask. I noticed he kept looking at me

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