Quick note

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Ok sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I'm running outta prewritten chapters and I was trying to make more but school keeps getting in the way. I also edited the last line of the previous chapter. It's only one line but it will be confusing if you don't check that out. I needed to change cause I had no ideas on what to do next. With the change I have the rest of the story all ready planned out. Now all I have to do is actually write it. Thank you for your patience. It really is nice knowing people take the time to read MY stories! Please comment. Commenting is really better in my opinion because I get to hear what ya guys think. Comment what you think about my writing and you don't have to lie and be nice about it. If my writing sucks tell me. If my writing is heavenly(which is a lie so don't say that) tell me. Thank you

~(should I tell you guys my name. Comment if I should) heartbreakgirl_1996

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