Chapter :6

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I woke up to sky jumping on my bed

"Bethany wake up. Wake up. Wake up"

"Im up. Whats wrong sky?"

She crawled over to me. She put her little hands in each side of my face and stared me in the eyes

"How. Was. Your. Date. With. Nash?"

The way she asked made me laugh.

"It. Was. Amazing"

I mimicked her

"So do you like nash?"

I thought about it for a second. I couldn't lie to her. I ended up telling her the truth

"Yes i like him a lot. He makes me happy"

Before i knew it sky was running into Nash's room screaming,


I should've figured nash had something to do with this. I walked over to his room.

"So somebody's got a little crush on me huh?"

He wiggled his eyebrows

"Do you have a problem with it?"

I smiled so he knew i was joking around and not being a jerk

"Of course not. I like you too. Im gonna have a little get together. Im having 6 of my friends over. 2 of them have girlfriends so you wont be alone. They'll be here in about an hour so you may want to get ready"

"Thanks for the heads up."

I went into my room and picked out an outfit. I decided on some black high waisted shorts and a crop top. I brushed my hair and teeth and went down stairs for breakfast. I ate and to kill time i watched t.v. More like i sat there on my phone while sky watched some kid show. The doorbell rang which made me jump. Nash came running down the stairs and opened the door. I heard a bunch of "heys" and "whats up". Nash walked in and introduced me to all of them.

"Bethany this is cam,whom you've already met, matt,carter, jack and jack but you can just call them by their last names

Galinsky and Johnson, and shawn. Guys this is Bethany"

We said hi to each other. Cam and Shawn introduced me to their girlfriends, Caitlin and Brianna. They seem really nice. I brought them outside on the patio and we talked a bit. They were extremely nice. Then caitlin decided to ask a question I've been asking myself.

"Are you and Nash now officially a couple?"

I had no idea how to respond so i just said the best answer i could think of off the bat

"No. We just had one date. He did ask me to the summer dance tho"

She just nodded her head and we continued talking. After eating the boys and the girls had to leave. We thanked them for coming over and they left.

"So how do you like the girls"

Me and nash were sitting on the couch watching some sport show

"They're extremely nice. I see why Cam and Shawn picked them"

"Yea they are. Im just glad i finally got to see my boys it feels like its been forever since i last saw them!"

"Why don't you hang out with them tomorrow. I could watch sky. Thats what I'm here for and i haven't really watched her yesterday or today"

"Come on you at least had fun with me right?"

"Of course"

"Then stop complaining and yea ill go text them now"

Nash went upstairs probably to text them. He came back down and he sat next to me. I couldn't help but think about how close he was to me. I turned and Nash was staring at me

"Is there something on my face?"

"No i was trying to see what color your eyes are"

"Oh. Theyre green"

I turned my head so Nash could see my eyes.

"Their beautiful"

They were just green nothing special. I started to feel Nash getting closer and closer to me. Before i knew it his lips were on mine. The kiss was short but it was the best i ever had. Ive never felt like this before. Neither Nash or I seemed to be affected. I told Nash i was getting tired and he walked me upstairs. I said goodnight and again he said goodnight beautiful. Nash really was the best guy in the world.

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