2. High For You

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,,If you're overthinking I'll get high with you," Eric sang in his microphone, his breath full of vapor, his friends, behind their computer screens, too had a glisp of a bitter sweet taste of the whiskey or vodka. Only one of them sat in silence and listened to the voices in his headphones.

,,Fitz!" Eric screeched, his nickname making his eyes finally blink.

,,Yea.?" he said calmly, trying to keep his temper down. He hated when his boyfriend was high, or drunk. Cameron didn't know why, maybe he was jealous Eric could enjoy it. Since he had his eighteenth year celebration, he didn't go well with the alcohol moving in his veins. He hated the taste of it, the nausea of it even the fake taste of relaxation or courage.

,,You never told me why you hate weed and alcohol." Eric stated, others mumbling a soft 'yea' or 'why'. Cameron bit his lip, running his hand through his fair hair. ,,Don't tell me you have a virgin mouth." Everyone cackled. He and Eric haven't talked about this topic, yet.

,,No, it's just--" his words got stuck, something pulled at his throat. ,,Whatever." he said, shrugging the weird feeling and the momories. He looked over at the brown, transparent liquid, caged in a glass bottle.

               ⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

,,Take off your shirt honey!" Eric sang, his keyboard playing in the background. For one second he thought the word 'honey' meant him. He wanted to say something, but a quick realization washed over his body. His fingers already cold from holding his mouse tightly in his palm as if he was scared it will run off, when he'll let go from it.

Another 'yea!' mixed with 'yeet!' left Eric's lips, but now the simple fast word interrupted by Toby. ,,I don't want to take it off!"

Cameron's shaky breath, mixed with exhaustion got lost in Toby's and Eric's words. He loved when Eric got along with his friends, it was like seeing your child play with others on a playground, littered with needles and bottles filled with alcohol.

,,I'm sexualy uncomfortable right now!" Cameron, tried to, sang. Knowing his words will get lost like the sigh that left his lips moments ago. ,,Yea!" he added silently.

,,I'm sexualy, uh--" Eric began, surprising Cameron, he rarely spoke with him when they streamed. ,,comfortable!" he added hastily and finished it with a; ,,Coz' I don't care!" Cameron caught his bottom lip between his teeth at this, smirking, and leaving Eric in the heated silence. ,,Yeah! Boggie!" Eric sang, not giving up.

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,,I can't lie that this is improving my counter-strike experience dramatically but..." Cameron said as Eric played his old keyboard. It sounded a little faded in the boys headphones, but it still splattered a simple smile on his face. He switched his point of vision in the game by a click, welcomed by a  furiously nodding head with a knife in the player's hand. It was Eric's figure.

Cameron let go off the mouse he squeezed for dear life and laughed. The alcohol tickled at the end of his fingertips.

Cameron's laugh was like music to Eric's ears, he moved his mouse up and down, knowing it made him laugh. He was happy when Cameron was happy. His hand movements haven't stopped or slowed down.

,,Swagger," Cameron laughed. Catching his breath. ,,Swagger. I'm gonna ask you to never smoke weed again." he said between his laughs that were practically just catching his breath by his throat. But they were still perfect in Eric's ears.

,,Swagger, please relax." Cameron laughed out again, seeing Eric's figure, now in front of him, still moving his torso up and down. He still let puffs of laughter past his lips, but there still swam a little drop of worrying in a lake full of laughing.

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