9. Repeat

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I accidentally deleted the app I had my WIPS and stories in, so I grabbed one from my computer.

! Bevare its older than me!

They have those hugs couples share, the ones that show how two puzzle pieces belong to each other. They hold their hands, their fingers intertwined to show how much they don't want to be separated. Their eyes spark when they look at one another, speaking how much they love each other when they're sitting across from the table. They share sentences only humans in love say. But they never kissed, never experienced the feeling of their lips dance with each other, never feeling those so called fireworks explode with many colors in their stomachs. Every time they try, one of them shies away, thinking it's too early for it, even though they are together for three weeks now.

Each of them are panicking and running to explain this to their friends, trying to get the answers as to why they find kissing so intimate, only to be answered by a simple 'do it' or 'wait a bit longer, it will come automatically'. Both of the confused males, agreed to the second answer they got. Waiting for the right time to tick down, the time where their relationship will root to something much bigger than just a 'kindergarten' relationship.


,,Okay. . . What the fuck," Swagger threw his hands in the air, confused as to what was happening in front of him, in the box where pictures moved and formed a movie with non-working psychic.

,,Eric, it's just a movie." Said a man from the corner of the sofa. It was Matthew. His voice was muffled by a pillow that was pressing against his cheek, both with assistance of a bald man lying on his stomach, smiling whenever the brunette male spoke.

,,Yes, I know that. But I swallowed everything down so far. And I just had to loose it at a bit where she. A fucking girl. Threw a man across three tables." The man continued the argument, looking at Matt once in the process.

,,Maybe the woman has some muscles." Matt added, turning himself on his back and adjusting his shoulders.

Swagger exhaled, letting all the stressful emotions out from between the gap of his bottom and upper lip, both a faint pink from the cause of forgetting to put a lip balm this morning.

With a bit of struggling to contain more statements about the movie, and an urge to grab his phone and completely ignore what was happening around him. The three friends got at the end of the movie, realizing the movie just ate away two hours from their lives. They could've do something completely different, better, than just sit and watch a movie with a bad script.

,,At least we know that there's something more worse than our videos." a thicc Australian accent spoke, finally breaking the silence that occurred after the end of the so called movie.

,,I enjoyed it." Matt spoke suddenly, straddling the man with a shiny scalp.

,,But you're you." Eric snapped giving the longer haired brunette man a glare, standing up with his phone trapped in his fingers. He was ready to leave the house and not come back for at least a week. He wasn't quite sure what made him this stressed or so angry. Eric just wanted to have some time to himself, put in his headphones and listen to some music while he's going to let his mind wander off to a different universe.

,,Where are you going?" The brunette American spoke, again straddling his boyfriend stuck to him, that caused the man in the orange hoddie to sit up and whisper-shout to his lover how he should be speaking quieter.

,,Sleep, I guess, there's nothing more I can do."

,,Cameron should be coming though."

Eric sighed, turning on his heels and facing the surprised brunette, noticing how the surprised face changed into a worried one.

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