Aventurine (Quartz)

1.9K 30 0

Scientific Makeup: Gray, yellow, brown, or green quartz with small platy mica inclusions (hematite or goethite also). White streak. Hardness of 7.

Environment: A great rock forming mineral, developed in many environments.

Found in: Brazil, Russia, and India

Magick and Legend: The ancient Tibetans loved Aventurine. They used it as a representation of "the eyes" in many of their sacred statues, thus symbolizing increased divinatory powers. Considered a lucky stone, it is also the talisman of a gambler, as it is said to attract money.

Healing: This stone is associated with the Thymus gland, and is said to improve eyesight and used to treat eye ailments.

Different Colors and Forms:

BROWN/YELLOW: Said to be only found in Russia, and almost impossible to find, at that

GREEN: "The Stone of Heaven", known for its healing powers of the mental and emotional. Improves intelligence and brings prosperity. Brings luck and adventure in love and games.

BLUE: Increases visionary powers and opens one up to different perspectives. All around healer. Stimulates creativity and expression.

BLUE-GREEN: Helps one communicate in a more loving manner. All around healer. Brings balance to chaotic situations.

ORANGE: Brings joy to life. All around healer. Second chakra crystal. Heals sexual trauma and dissolves creative blocks. Assists in feelings of independence and originality.

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