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Scientific Makeup: A variation of Orthoclase. Color varies depending on the amount of orthoclase and albite. Color can be silvery to bluish sheen, grey, green, brown, yellow and white. White streak. Hardness of 7.

Environment: Important rock-forming minerals in plutonic, volcanic, and metamorphic rocks. Usually found in volcanos.

Found in: Ceylon, southern India, Tanzania, Malagasy, Burma, California, Idaho.

Magick and Legend: Always remembered for its lunar attraction. Believed that the schiller in the stone would change with the cycles of the moon, becoming shiniest at the time of the full moon. Considered a "feminine" or "goddess" stone. Meditation with moonstone calls into consciousness the three-form moon phase goddesses, Diana/Selene/Hecate, the waxing, full and waning moon. Good for spells involving love.

Healing: A "diet" stone. Considered a woman's healing stone. Used for balancing/healing of females organs and hormones.

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