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Scientific Makeup: Calcium, magnesium, and iron silicate. As well as the popular green color, color ranges from white to dark grey, yellowish, and pink to lilac. Colorless streak. Hardness is 5 - 6.

Environment: A product of metamorphism. Occurs with calcite and grossular in hornfels of contact metamorphic rocks. Occurs with talc in serpentinites of hydrothermal metamorphic rocks.

Found in: Occur in marble in Ontario. New York and Connecticut.

Name: Spanish. Derived from the words "pietra d'ijada", which means "colic stone". Chinese have several different names for the different colors.

Magick and Legend:  Ornaments and implements of great antiquity discovered both in those parts of the world in which the mineral is found and in places far distant from these. The 'greenstone' so highly esteemed by the Maoris of New Zealand who carved it into pendants, sometimes representing their hero Tiki, and into chieftains' war clubs. Carved in Central America for well over a thousand years. Prized by Mayans above gold. In ancient China, a prospective bride wouldpresent her betrotheda jade butterfly to seal their engagement. The bridegroom would give his sweetheart a gift of jade beforetheir wedding. One of the most important symbols of purity and serenity. Revered as an ancient symbol of love. A lucky stone. Ancient Chinese believed that jade helped one make quick and precise decisions. Ancient traders held it in their right hand during business transactions to boost their luck. If carved into a scarab, brings long life and prosperity to its owner. Wear while gardening to improve the health of one's plants. Bury along the perimeter of the garden for the same purpose. Worn for protection during defensive magickal work.

Healing: Known as the "colic stone", the "spleen stone", and "stone for the loins". If worn on the arm, it is said that the stone will help one pass kidney stones. Mineral used by the Greeks for helping eye ailments. Helps the body to heal itself while working on the underlying, nonphysical problems which cause the disease in the first place. 

Note: Excellent for healing the breaks in a bone, but does not repair the tendons and muscles surrounding it (Malachite is used for the tendons and muscles).

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