PT 4: lost in his world

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*Peni's pov*
I felt like I'd been thrown around like a rag doll. I stood up trying to clear my vision and navigate my surroundings until I felt someone standing behind me. I slowly turned around In dread only to see noir. "DADDY!!!!" I screamed jumping into his arms. As I hugged him I looked to see the others all looking confused. "Peni? Where are we?" Peter asked. We were all interrupted by a lightning bolt striking infront of us and the strange man forming from it. Noir shoved me behind him as they all got ready to fight.

*Nightshadow/jay jay pov*
Me and dark were walking down the street drinking slushies when we heard what sounded like fighting. "Do you hear it too?" Dark asked smiling. I nodded with the same smile knowing that we were thinking the same thing. "FIGHT!!!" we both screamed as we rushed to the sound only to be disappointed by seeing Mr. Delton aka the devil that......her? I stared at the girl in the school uniform as she hid. "Damn, I wanted to see someone throwing hands" dark said disappointed. I was stuck in a trance staring at the girl cowardimg in fear until Mr. Delton threw the dumpster that she was hidding behind. "LETS HELP THEM!!!" I said. Dark flew into my mouth causing my eyes to take a more demon like form, my skin pail, my veins show, and my smile widen. I teliported in between the two and threw a shadow punch causing him to hit the wall. He looked at me with that evil smile causing me two form my shadow sword and attempt to stab him in the chest only for him two deflect and slash me in the chest. I threw three shadow bombs at him and they blew up in his face. One of the people shot a web and kicked him across the face. I then used my mind power to send him through the wall. One of the people who happened to be wearing all black checked the hole. "He's gone" he said in shock. As they all looked at each other I held my wound in pain as blood dripped from it. "Dark.....wh-whats happening?" I said fighting to not black out. "I.......dont...........know" he said as I passed out and fell to the ground.

*Peni's pov*
We all looked at each other In curiosity when I looked over and saw the boy who saved my layimg on the ground bleeding from the chest. "GUYS, HE'S HURT!!!!!" I said running to him and holding him in my arms. Suddenly the wound healed fully and a black mist poured from his mouth and a creature that looked exactly like him formed next to me. I backed away as the others guarded me. "I'm not bad. My name is dark and im jay jay's shadow angel" He explained. "Shadow angel?" Porker asked. "Yes, you're not from this universe are you?" He asked. We All looked at each other wondering how he figured ghat out so fast. "Yeah" miles relied. "Let me guess you need help getting home" he said looked slightly annoyed. Sp//dr gave a sad look as I nodded. He sighed and started carrying his friend away, we all followed assuming that he wanted us to.

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