PT:6 do I like him?

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*Peni's pov*
"Should one of us go after him?" I said filling the sudden silence. Looking around I saw the creature that carried him home. "Who are you?" Peter asked. "My real name is Andri, but I go by dark usually" he replied. I stared at the door worrying about him and andri clearly noticed this. "He'll be ok" he said. But what hurt the most was hoe unsure he sounded, wait am i crushing on him? I couldnt help but blush to myself at the thought of me and him.

*Nightshadow/jay jay's pov*
I made my way past the crowds of people with my hoodie over my head as I walked down the alleyway. I already knew where this son of a bitch was. Moving the dumpster I walked down the stairs of the secret hideout. As I walked I heard psychotic chuckling and agonizing groans. Slowly making my way around tge corner I saw nothing but a instagram that looked like it was drawn in blood. I turned around to leave only but be punched and sent through a wall. I looked up to see exactly who I was lokking for as he smiled at me. "Remember the first time you came here? Thats when you found out where *he* was. How did it feel having to kill him?" As he said this i felt the pain and rage build up inside me. I summoned my shadow sword and ran at him slashing his chest repeatiadly before sending a back-flip kick to his jaw. As he got up and wiped what little blood there was on his lip I somehow managed to form a smile. "Lets see what he'll do to you once he sees you in the afterlife" I said. I then stabbed him through the chest and nailed him to the wall as hard as I could then began punching him. After 20 punches my arm felt to tired to keep going. As I caught my breathe i heard him chickling which drove me once again. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!" I yelled. Before I knew it he'd pulled the blade from his chest amd slashed me in the stomach deeply almost spilling my guts. I spat up blood as he sent a back kick to my jaw knocking me to the ground. Not a moment to soon i grabbed the blade of my sword before I could meet my end and hit him in the face with the butt of it knocking him to a shelf, causing it to fall on him. Almost certai. That he way defeated I picked my sword up, walked to him, and pressed it against his temple. "You're gonna help them get home then go back to he'll where you're actually wanted" he growled in response to my demands and I pressed the blade harder letting him know that i wont hesitate on sending him back myself. Little did I know that when I grabbed the blade of my sword i deeply cut my hand. I knew that I was cut, I felt it, and the shit hurt but I didnt know how deep the wound was. The blood began to run down the blade and once it touched his temple all hell broke loose. He burst up knocking me to the other side of the room and flew. Through the wall and into the distance. I wasnt gonna let him get away that easily, I teliported onto a rooftop and looked around until I saw him flying over me like an eagle. I reached to the sky and a shadow like chain shot from my hoodie sleeve and wrapped around his leg. I tried to pull him back only to get lifted off, scoripon would be so disappointed in me.😞 He flew recklessly crashing me into buildings, billboards, and towers trying to get me to lose my grip. Due to the each that dark wasnt with me I couldnt heal so I was stuck with the pain and wounds and let me tell you, it hurts like a motherfucker when you take hit after hit on the same wound. In a desperate attempt to bring him down I summoned my shadow flame onto my hands and watched it travel up the chain burning his leg severely. He screamed in agony and instantly dropped sending us crashing into a construction site causing the unfinished structure to collapse on us. I layed there feeling the pain of 6 broken rips, a fractured spine, and a slightly cracked skull. Suddenly I heard that laugh again as I looked up to see him standing over me. "You and your friends are just the start. The whole multiverse will be a empty, forgotten death when in done." He said before being struck by lightning and disappearing. I layed as the rubble began to crush the rest of my bones. "OVER HERE" I heard someone yell followed by a group of footsteps. Fearing for my identity being revealed I teleported away. Damnit, why couldnt this be easy?

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