PT:7 my baby's hurt

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*Peni's pov*
Me and my friends were all sitting in the living room watching tv when jay jay appeared and fell to the floor coughing up blood. We all rushed to him to see him in the worst condition possible. His ribs were shattered and he was coughing up blood. I'm usually a caring person but seeing him hurt tore me up inside, MY BABY WAS HURT!!!!!!! (Did I or just say that?) Andri walked over to him and flew into his mouth and I swear I heard a few snaps and cracks. Before we knew it he got up like nothing happened and andri flew out of his mouth. "What happened?" He asked. Jay Jay sat down looking tired as his black hair covered his eyes and he let out a sigh. "Delton. He put up a fight then ran. He said something about destroying the multiverse" we all stared at each other in shock. "THE MULTIVERSE?!?!?!" Noir said. Jay Jay stared at us in confusion, "what the he'll is a miltiverse?!?!" He said. "It involves all universes including the ones we're from" porker said. Jay jay's expression suddenly turned to shock. "So if he destroys it..." "Our homes and the people we love will perish" miles said cutting him off. Jay Jay and andri looked at each other in shock. "Jay, did he say where he was going" andri said. "No" jay jay replied. We all looked at each other knowing that we were in deep shit. "I hate today. I thought we were done with this." miles said running his hand through his hair. Silence filled the room as I felt the rage build up inside me for some reason from looking at jay jay even though his scars were healed. Do i l-like him? Focus peni, you world is in danger. "We need to find him fast" andri said. "How, your friend said he didnt give any hints on where he'd be going." Gwen said. "Then we just search for him" I said. Everyone agreed with my idea. "Lets wait till tommorrow" jay jay said yawning causing us to give him a angered stare. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! THE LONGER WE WAIT THE MORE DAMAGE THATS DONE TO OUR HOMES!!!!!" Peter said. "Relax, I know him, he's like any other person, he gets tired, and he's hurt so he'll need time to heal." Jay Jay said walking to what I'm guessing was his room. "Are we really gonna just relax when our worlds are at risk of destruction once again?" Peter said. Noir simply laid on the couch and covered his face with his fedora while miles and Gwen went to go find a room, peter went outside to get some fresh air, and I was left alone. Yawning, I hesitately walked into jay jay's room and stared at him while he slept. I carefully crawled into his bed and cuddled up to him. This.......was relaxing.

Aurthor's message: im thinking about covering jay jay's origin story in another book.

Spiders In Shadows (Peni Parker X Shadow Angel)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum