A New Problem

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Just a heads up - I changed the POV from Nicks POV to third person!!

Without hesitating, Nick ran to Adalind and grabbed her close. He held her tightly like he hadn't seen her in years.

"I missed you too Nick." Adalind said patting his back, "But umm...what are you doing here? Why aren't you at work?"

Nick looked at Adalind and took a deep breathe.

"We need to go see Rosalee." He said. Adalind could tell from the look on Nick's face that something serious was going on, so she didn't question him. She followed him to his car and got buckled in her seat. It took them about fifteen minutes to arrive at Rosalee's spice shop. Once Nick had parked the car, they both walked up to the door. Nick opened the door and let Adalind go in first. They walked towards the counter as Monroe came in from the side room.

"Nick? Adalind? What are you guys doing here?" Monroe asked.

"Where's Rosalee? We need to talk to her." Nick replied.

"Oh, she's in the back with Kelly. I think she just put him to sleep." Monroe answered back.

"Thanks." Nick replied. He walked towards the back room with Adalind, entering just as Rosalee was putting Kelly in his car seat. After making sure Kelly was secure, Rosalee turned around to Nick and Adalind.

"Nick? Adalind? Is everything okay?" She asked. Ignoring Rosalee, Nick went to his son. He picked Kelly up and held him in his arms, letting out a sigh of relief, now knowing that Kelly and Adalind were both safe. He put Kelly back in his car seat and turned towards Rosalee and Adalind.

"Nick, what's going on? Why are you acting so weird?" Adalind asked. Nick sighed.

"I got a message from Rosalee earlier. It said that you were in trouble and that— here. Hold on." Nick stopped talking to pull out his phone to show Adalind the message he had gotten from Rosalee. Adalind took the phone and looked at the message.

"Oh. Ohh..." Adalind's went from deep to deeper, "I never asked Rosalee to send this message. I did come here to drop off Kelly, but that was because I just wanted some alone time to myself. That's all. This wasn't me." Adalind said handing Nick back his phone.

"Yah, I figured that out at the store." Nick replied putting his phone away.

"I happy that one problems solved because there's still one more." Rosalee spoke up.

"What do you mean?" Nick asked.

"That message that you say is from me... I never wrote that." Rosalee replied showing Nick her phone. Nick took Rosalee's phone and looked at her messages and sure enough the last message on her phone to him was from a day ago.

"If you didn't write the message...then who did?" Nick asked handing Rosalee her phone.

"I don't know. All I know is that it wasn't me."Rosalee replied.

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