In the Woods

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The cabin ended up being an hour away from the precinct. As Nick and Renard pulled up to the cabin, Renard was on the phone with the officers he dispatched to Thomas's work and home address.

     "Mhmm. Yah. Alright. Okay. Thank you." Sean hung up his phone and put it in his pocket, "Those were the officers we sent to Thomas's work and house. As you suspected they're not there. I've directed them to come here."

     "They can come here but I'm not waiting. They won't be here for an hour and who knows what could happen to Adalind and Kelly in an hour. I'm going in now." Nick replied as he pulled out his gun.

     "Then let's do this." Sean replied as pulled his gun out. Nick and Sean walked up to the front door which was open. They walked inside and split up. Sean took upstairs while Nick looked around downstairs. After a full search they reconvened in the living room.

     "Did you find anything?" Nick asked Sean.

     "No. I'm sorry." Sean replied.

     "Damnit!" Nick raged.

     "Nick, we'll find them. Don't worry." Sean said trying to calm Nick down.

     "Will we? There is nothing here that points to Adalind being here let alone Kelly. If they're not here I have no idea where they could be and everything that happens to them is my fault." Nick replied visually upset. He was about to continue his rant when he started thinking about something. Sean could tell that Nick was thinking about something.

     "What are you thinking about?" Sean asked.

     "Just my first wesen case. It was a Blutbad who kidnapped people." Nick replied.

     "I remember. Why is it important?" Sean asked again.

     "Well, this Blutbad lived in a cabin in the middle of the woods. It was secluded and the perfect place to take kidnapped victims." Nick replied.

     "I'm sensing a but coming up." Sean replied.

     "But, if you've ever been in his cabin, at first glance, it wouldn't look like anyone but him lives there." Nick replied.

     "I still don't understand why this is important."

     "Getting there. If I hadn't notice the corners of the carpet in the living room was poked up more than the other corners, I never would have looked underneath and found the door leading an underground room where he kept his victims." Nick replied.

    "You think Thomas has an underground room?" Sean asked.

     "He has the carpet and the table. It's worth a look." Nick replied.

     "Alright." Sean said as walked to the table. Nick and Sean pushed the table off the table and pulled the carpet up and sure under the carpet was a door to and underground area.

     "Well, after you I guess." Sean said as he let Nick go first. The both walked down the stairs to a hallway that led to two rooms – one on the left and one on the right.

     "I'll take the right." Nick said as he headed into the room.

     "Guess that means I'm on the left." Sean said as he headed left. Nick walked into the room and saw Adalind unconscious, tied to a chair. He ran straight to her and cupped her face in his hand.

     "Adalind. Adalind. Please wake up." He held her face. She stirred a little before waking up.

     "Nick? Where am I what happened?" She said as she came too.

     "Adalind? What happened? What's the last thing you remember?" Nick asked he started to untie her.

     "Umm...I was a Rosalee's spice shop. Kelly was asleep and I was helping Rosalee put spices on the shelf. Then a man came in and then everything goes black." She said as she touched her head, "Kelly! Where's Kelly? Is he okay?"

     "Kelly's fine." Sean said as walked into the room with Kelly in his arms.

    "Kelly!" Adalind got up with Nick and walked over to Sean. They both kissed Kelly on the cheek and took a sigh of relief.

     "Let's get you two out of here." Nick said guiding them to the stairs.

     "Not so fast." Thomas replied with a gun in his hand.

     "Thomas." Nick and Sean replied as the pulled out their guns. Thomas was different that nick expected. He had dark black hair, cut short, tattoo sleeves and black piercing's in his ears. He had a piercing in his nose, and lots of black jewelry including rings and chokers.

     "Think about what you're doing." Nick replied as he put his gun away.

     "Oh I am. I going to kill the man who killed my father." Thomas said aiming his gun at Nick. Nick backed away towards the wall that was the farthest away from Adalind and Kelly.

     "Thomas. Look, I know that your father being killed was my fault and for that I am very sorry but please, Adalind and Kelly are innocent. Don't hurt them." Nick pleaded.

     "Oh don't worry. I'm not going to do anything to them. It's you I'm going to hurt." He replied, "I am going to make them watch as I put a bullet in your head. Then they will understand what it's like to lose someone you love."

     "Do whatever you want to me. Just let them go." Nick pleaded again.

     "I don't think so." Thomas replied as he chuckled, "You want to hear something funny?"

     "What?" Nick asked.

     "None of you guys were even supposed to be here. I was going to take a picture to use as leverage and get you to go wherever I wanted you too. I was even going to spear your child and blondie from having to watch you die but because you wanted to save them so bad, now they don't have a choice." Thomas said, "You actually messed up a lot for me. I had this whole thing planned out like two years ago, right after dad died, when you were with that brunette and you lived in the friendly neighborhood. I knew your schedule and I knew where you worked and where you lived. I knew how everything was going to go down. Then you met blondie, had a baby and messed everything up for me. I couldn't figure out where you lived and everything was falling apart. So I resorted to plan b – watch the girlfriend. I followed her around daily for like six months and finally thought I knew her schedule until today, when she messed everything up. Had to follow you to that spice shop instead. Took my shot and took blondie and your kid after you left. All because you both messed up. But, the past is the past. In the end, I still get to kill which is all I need."

     "Look, I am sorry for everything you went through, but this, killing me, it's not the answer." Nick replied starring down the barrel of Thomas's gun.

     "Maybe not for you, but for me it definitely is. Now stop talking." Thomas said as put his finger on the trigger. As Thomas squeezed the trigger tighter, Nick looked over at Adalind.

    "Adalind I-"


New chapter!! Just a few things. This chapter ended up being longer than I had intended it to be but that's okay. Also, the next chapter is the last chapter! I'm finally putting an end to this story after the all the years of procrastination and I can't wait for you guys to read it!!! I am so grateful to all my readers. There literally aren't any words to express how much you guys all mean to me. I guess that's it. Enjoy and I can't wait until you guys read the finale!! (also, I changed one little detail in the previous chapter if you would like to reread it. It's not necessary but you can if you want!)

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