Leads, leads, leads.

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Nick got to the precinct within ten minutes of leaving Rosalee's house. As entered the precinct and rounded the corner to his desk, he ran into Wu. Again.

     "Dude. We need to stop meeting like this." Wu said with a hand on Nick's shoulder. Nick looked down and chuckled a little. Wu noticed that Nick still looked upset, "Any update on Adalind or Kelly?"

     "Umm, no. Nothing yet. They are still missing and it's my fault." Nick replied.

     "Oh. Well, this probably won't make things any better but we haven't found anything on the security tapes from the fifth store. I mean we're still looking but I don't think we will get anything and now I feel bad because Adalind is out there and---" Wu stopped talking as Nick held up the baggies filled with swabs of DNA he got off Monroe, "What are those?"

     "It's DNA."


     "Our man in black." Nick replied.

     "How did you manage to get that?" Wu replied as he took the bags from Nick's hands.

     "I don't have time to explain just please take it to the lab and run it. Please?" Nick looked at Wu pleadingly.

     "Ok." Wu replied.

     "Thank you. Oh, also, make sure you run this elimination sample as well. I got the DNA of Monroe so I want to make sure Monroe doesn't get implicated or something. Thank you again." Nick said handing one more baggy to Wu.

     "You got it." Wu replied, "Oh. The captain wants to see you by the way."

     "Thank you." Nick replied. Nick and Wu went their separate ways. Wu headed to the lab while Nick went the captains office. He knocked on the door and the captain waved him in.

     "You wanted to see me?" Nick said as walked into the office and closed the door behind him.

     "I just wanted an update on your situation. I heard about Adalind and Kelly. If there is anything I can do to help, just let me know." Sean replied.

     "Thank you. I--"

     "We got a hit on the DNA" Wu walked in and interrupted.

     "Already? That was fast." Nick replied.

     "Well, with his DNA and the clear cut image of his face from the security footage-"

     "You got a look at his face?" Nick interrupted.

     "We did. With the image and the DNA, it was not hard to get a match." Wu replied as he handed Nick a file.

     "Thomas Wheeling. Why does that-"

     "Sound familiar? Probably because of his father. Further down the page" Wu finished Nick's sentence.

     "Marcus Wheeling. Wait, I know Marcus." Nick said reading.

     "Well you should. I mean you arrested him." Wu replied.

     "I remember. I caught him four years ago robbing his third gas station with a gun. He got two years. Shouldn't he be out now?" Nick asked.

     "Um, read the next page." Wu said as Nick flipped the page.

     "Marcus was transferred to ICU ten days before his release. He died in the ambulance. This was a two years ago exactly." Nick read.

     "Okay. So say this is why he is going after you Nick. Why wait? Why take so long to go after you?" Sean asked. Nick wanted to answer but he had no clue as to why Thomas would wait so long.

     "I don't know, but that doesn't matter. What matters is that we have his name and I hope his address." Nick looked at Wu.

     "Yes, I have a work and home address for him." Wu replied. Nick looked at both the addresses on his phone.

     "These are city addresses." Nick replied.

     "Yes. They are. So?" Wu replied.

     "Well, they're in public where people would see things like a women and a baby that they've never seen before. There's got to be somewhere else he's keeping them." Nick said going through the file. He skimmed the file before something caught his eye.

     "This. What about this?" Nick pointed to an address to a cabin that belonged to Marcus.

     "It's secluded and literally in the middle of nothing." Sean added.

     "Apparently, it's also Thomas's now. It became his when his father died." Wu replied.

     "This is it. This is where I am going." Nick said as went to grab his gun, phone, and jacket.

     "I'm coming with you Nick. Wu send officers to the Thomas's home and work address as well as backup to the cabin. Join us if you can." Sean said as put his gun in holster and his coat on. He walked out the door and met up with Nick. Nick put his gun on and grabbed his keys. Nick and Sean were determined to catch this guy more than ever now.

Hey guys!!! Sorry it's been so long. I was trying to figure out what write, and luckily I've figured it out. I'm sorry if time frames and details from the show don't match up perfectly with my story. I promise I'm trying. Also, I think I will be adding two, maybe three more chapters max before its complete so its coming soon!! Thanks for all your support and I really hope you enjoy the rest of the story once I finish writing it. Thank you again!!!!

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