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After a couple of seconds, Nick slowly opened his eyes. He looked straight forward to see Thomas gripping his gut before falling face first on the ground. Standing behind him on the stairs was Wu with his gun aimed at where Thomas was standing. Nick nodded at Wu before running over to Adalind.

"Adalind!" He yelled.

"Nick!" She yelled back as he ran to her. Nick and Adalind held each other for several minutes before letting go.

"Are you okay?" Nick asked as he brushed hair out of Adalind's face.

"I'm fine. What about you? Are you okay? You almost just died!" Adalind said looking at him intensely.

"I'm fine. Listen, I need to help CSU, so I'm going to have an officer take you and Kelly to the Spice Shop so that Monroe can take you home. I'll be home later." Nick replied holding Adalind's hands in his.

"Okay," Adalind sniffled as she looked Nick in the eyes. She took Kelly from Renard and started towards the stairs. She got halfway up before turning around.

"Nick!" She called out. Nick looked up at her, "Come home this time." Without thinking, Nick walked up to Adalind and kissed her like passionately. It felt like it had been ages since they kissed. After several seconds, Nick slowly broke away from Adalind, but kept his forehead touching hers. He took a deep breath before looking at her.

"I will." Nick replied. He watched as Adalind walked upstairs and out the door until she was no longer visible. Wu came over as Adalind disappeared.

"Hey, you okay?" Wu asked. Without thinking, Nick pulled Wu into tight hug.

"Thank you." Nick said.

"Thank you? For what?" Wu asked.

"You saved my life. I wouldn't be alive right now if it weren't for you." Nick replied.

"That's nothing Nick. I just did what I had to do." Wu replied.

"Well, I'm grateful." Nick replied. Wu smiled and patted Nicks shoulder.

"Why don't you head back to the station? I can wrap up here with CSU." Wu asked.

"Thank you. I owe you one, big time." Nick replied as headed up the stairs and out the front door, the captain following behind him. He was about to get in the driver's seat but stopped. He looked at Renard.

"You drive." Nick said as he tossed the keys to Renard.

"Alright then." Renard replied as he got in the driver seat. The ride to station was quiet. Nick was lost in his own little thought bubble, thinking about everything that happened that day to him, Adalind, Rosalee, Monroe, and even Kelly. He blamed himself for what they went through even though he wasn't to blame. When they finally reached the precinct, the captain and Nick went in separate directions, the captains towards his office and Nick to his desk where his Hank was sitting and typing away on the computer. Hank looked up as Nick approached the desk.

"Nick! Is everything okay? Are you okay? What about Adalind and Kelly?" Hank asked all at once.

"Hank. Everything is fine. I'm fine, Adalind's fine, and Kelly's fine. We are all...fine." Nick replied trying to calm Hank down.

"Good." Hank replied smiling.

"So how did the case go? Did you figure out what the wesen is?" Nick asked as he sat down at his desk.

"Oh yah! Turns out it was a Hundjäger. Monroe and I tracked him down and you should have seen how Monroe took him down when he attacked. It was insane." Hank replied excitedly.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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