A new change

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Abhi who was not aware of the fact that pragya had apologized Aliya, had much hatred towards her..

While pragya had respect on Abhi for his care and concern towards his sister..

Days roll on..pragya and Aliya's bond increased..They become so close to each other..

One day pragya came so early to the college as she had some works to do..while going to the staff room, she saw Aliya sitting in the classroom and crying silently..

pragya's mind voice- Why she is so early to the class..what could have happened..

Aliya's phone rings..she picks it hesitantly..

Aliya- Hello..

pragya looks her keenly.

Aliya- Aunty ji how many times I would have said u to not wish on my birthday..I regret this day in my life..pls don't hurt me by ur wishes..I plead u..she disconnects the call and cries hard..

pragya couldn't stand more..she walks to her and slowly touch her shoulder..Aliya turns to see pragya..she wipes her tears and give a fake smile to her..

Aliya- Mam

pragya- Aliya..what happened

Aliya- Nothing Mam

pragya- Do u  think I can't understand ur  emotions..is that ur birthday today..

Aliya- No..its not my birthday..it is the day when my mother passed away from me...yes I killed my mom..she died because of giving birth to me..I'm not blessed enough to see her face..she cries hard closing her eyes.

pragya's eyes also well up in tears automatically..she slowly touch her hands and make her to sit..

pragya- Who said ur mom passed away..

Aliya looks upon..

pragya- ur mom may not be physically present here but she is around u, watching u..do u think she will be happy if u be like this..I could understand u miss her..did u think of the situation of ur brothers and father..to what extent they would feel bad for not able to wish their little cuttie on her birthday..come out of this insecurity..u must fill in the gap of ur mother..ur family might not expressed it, but they also miss her na...be like a mom to ur bhais..think ur father..how much he would get hurt.. if they wish celebrate ur birthday accept it happily and spread happiness to them..

pragya's soothing words were like a medicine for her wounded soul..

Aliya- Really is my mom around me..she asks innocently..

pragya couldn't control her tears..but she controls hard and smile at her..

pragya- yes..she will be happy only if her daughter is happy..

Aliya wipes her tears..

Aliya- Mam..if u don't mind, can I lie on ur lap..

pragya- why not..if not for my Aliya then for whom..she smiles..

Aliya lays on her lap, pragya runs her fingers through her hair lovingly and kiss her forehead gently..

Aliya- I got my mom back..she says emotionally while a drop of tear escape from her eyes..

pragya wipes it and nods..

After sometime, Aliya gets up and hugs pragya..

Aliya- Thank u so much mam..I love u so much..

Time changes everything- a tale on abhigyaWhere stories live. Discover now