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Pragya happily accepts the mangalsutra while Abhi ties it still thinking about his fuggy..

Happy tears flow from Ram and Niel's eyes..

Abhi fakes a smile in his face just for his father..

The photographer takes different poses of the newly wedded couples.. While vin and Disha happily give poses, Abhi and pragya stand Simply not knowing what to say to each other.. Pragya was longing to hear something from Abhi while Abhi feels disgusted to stand near pragya..

Abhi- Dad.. I'm feeling a bit tired.. I will go and rest myself.. Sorry

Niel- but beta.. Just now the photographer had started to take photos..
Wait for sometime na..

Pragya- uncle.. Let him rest.. He might be very tired

Niel nods with a sad face while pragya assures a smile.. Abhi without even giving a glare to pragya, goes from there.. Pragya looks at him longingly..

Disha and vin side hug pragya as a support..

Vin- sweetheart.. He might be in high shock..though he love you, he didn't have any conversation with u previously.. So he might be struggling how to start..

Pragya- I understand vin.. No worries. I will wait for him..

Vin hugs pragya.. Though she pretends normal, her instincts warn her that something is not good.. She then decides to speak with Abhi once everything gets over.

Abhi comes to his room and longingly look at his dairy where he had poured the entire love on his fuggy.. Hot tears ooze out from his eyes..

Around 8 pm in the night..

All the guest leave one by one wishing the newly wedded couples.. Abhi who is completely drowning himself in emotions, stand in the terrace gazing the moon.. The moonlight gives him some sort of peace which he badly needed..

Aliya comes to the terrace and stands beside him..

Aliya- bhai..

Abhi turns..

Aliya- papa is calling u down..

Abhi nods and comes down along with Aliya..

Niel- Abhi beta.. Come here.. Just a small ritual pending...

Abhi looks confused.

Niel- the newly wedded couple must feed each other..

Abhi gets irritated to the core..

Abhi- papa.. Is that all needed now?

Ram's face falls hearing that.. Pragya also gets disappointed but manages to bring a fake smile in her face..

Niel who notices Ram's face change, pleads Abhi through his eyes.. Abhi nods with no other go..

Pragya feeds him happily while he doesn't even look at her face and he feeds back but his face does not show any emotions..

Pragya gets really wounded by his actions but still fakes up like being happy ..


Pragya is waiting for Abhi to join in the room wearing her heavy lehenga..

Abhi comes there.. Pragya gives a sweet smile but he doesn't bother or care and just goes to restroom to fresh up..

Pragya's eyes well up with tears.. Abhi who comes back from restroom see her sitting with tear filled eyes.. For a moment his heart aches to see her like that.. He badly wanted to ask her to not cry but the slap incident brings out the bad Abhi out..

Time changes everything- a tale on abhigyaWhere stories live. Discover now