The unexpected events..

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Friends before going to the story, I wish to give a small clarification..Abhi's father name is Niel the last chapter I have mentioned as Ram..Ram arora is the father of pragya..sorry for the confusion in the previous shot..

Abhi started to develop feelings for the professor who gave a new hope to Aliya without knowing that it is pragya..

Abhi had to go abroad to handle an important project while Vin had to stay back to handle other projects..

Aliya and pragya's bond was so deep that Aliya started to call her as mom instead of mam..she also was close to pragya's family too..whenever she feels low, she just rest her head on pragya's lap..pragya's soft words will bring her back normal..
Aliya often calls Abhi and speaks mostly about pragya mentioning as "mom"..Aliya's words increase Abhi's feelings further..he started to love pragya..

Disha is very happy to see a chirpy and bubbly Aliya..not to forget she also had a special bond with Aliya..the trio( Aliya, Disha and pragya) always spend their time together after college..

on one such day, since Aliya's car was given for service, vin came to pick her..
Aliya introduces pragya to vin as "mom"..Vin thanks pragya wholeheartedly..he just started to develop a sisterly feeling for her at the moment he saw her..Vin requested to join pragya for a coffee with them..pragya nods with a smile..
Pragya also forced Disha to join them..Disha and Vin started to fall for each other at the moment they met..but they didn't show it out and they secretly admire each other..

While serving coffee the waiter unknowingly pours coffee in pragya's dress..pragya and Aliya go to washroom leaving Vin and Disha..

Though initially they struggled to initiate the conversation, slowly they started to converse with each other..they started to fall more for each other..

Aliya and pragya comes back and the four have coffee with random talks..Disha thought to share her feelings to pragya but then thought to discuss with her once vin confess his feelings..

Vin started to visit pragya's college regularly to admire Disha secretly..Disha is waiting to hear those magical words from him..

Pragya and Aliya who were not aware of Vin's feelings towards Disha were confused on why he is visiting college often..when asked Vin gives random excuses..Vin never fails to meet pragya after meeting this they become very close..pragya started to treat him as her best friend..

Aliya who was not aware of Vin's love for Disha, started to think that Vin loves pragya and that is the reason for his visit to the college regularly..
she discusses this with Bulbul..Bulbul felt very happy and she was longing to see Vin.

on one such occasion, Aliya calls Bulbul to come to the college soon to see vin and pragya speaking to each other happily..Bulbul also comes and feels very happy to see them..

once vin and Aliya left, Bulbul takes pragya to a side..

Pragya- hey Bulbul..when did u come?

Bulbul- The moment you were happily conversing with my future jiju..

Pragya- Jiju?  who is that?

Bulbul- else?

Pragya- shut up idiot..never ever we both thought like that..he is my best friend that's it..

Bulbul- Then why he is coming to college often?

Pragya- Even I'm confused on that..

Bulbul - nothing to get confused..he is in love with u..that's why he is coming often..

pragya- But I really don't have such feelings..I will clear ur doubts the next time he comes to college..

Bulbul gets dull..but is determined to make them both together somehow..she thought to discuss about it to Aliya further..

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