Chapter 5: Scattered silver

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A week later, Izzy and Jace were sat in front of the TV, when Alec stormed into the house and ran upstairs. Jace cast his eyes over to Alec in curiosity as he shot upstairs with the phone. "What's up with Alec and his friend then? They are always on the phone, but I never see him here." Jace was using a spoon to eat the popcorn from the bowl for some reason, and Izzy didn't want to question or ask why. "It's a really long story Jace. Basically, Alec has had this friend since they were like...six I think...and two years ago, he had to move because of his Dad's job. Him and Alec only really had each other so they don't like going long without speaking to one another."

Jace nodded, trying to understand. "I can't imagine liking a friend that much, but maybe it's because I'm a little damaged and I've never had that." Izzy pressed the button on the remote. "No, you're not damaged Jace. But I can't' really explain the level of what they are to one another either, its deeper than that, I don't really understand it if I'm honest, I've known friends in school who have grown up together and its not even the same as that." Jace nodded again as the credits rolled.

They sat for several minutes before Jace spoke again. "Do you think I could go talk to him? We haven't spoken much yet really." Izzy looked over him, trying not to show the pity that she felt. "Who, Alec? You don't have to ask Jace. Its family, you speak to who you want and when."

Jace lifted his blanket from his legs and stood up while he stretched. Maryse and Robert were in the process of converting the attic so him and Izzy could have a whole half each. They explained that when they older, Izzy would probably swap with Max, so she would have her own space. While the rooms were being sorted, Jace was camping out on the recliner sofa that was actually quite comfy.

Jace strolled out of the room while Izzy gathered up all their mess from breakfast. Jace got to the bottom of the stairs and hesitated. He'd never actually seen Alec's room before. He seemed to be very private and grown up for a twelve year old.


Alec heard pattering up the stairs. That must be Jace because the stairs are creaking differently. There was a gentle knock on his door. Alec got up, off his bed and pushed the door handle down. As he thought, Jace was on the other side. "Can I come in Alec?"

Alec gestured, so Jace sat down on the bed. "I just wanted to talk to you" he sighed as he nervously drummed his fingers against the covers. "Izzy told-" Alec interrupted him. "Let me speak first. I want to apologise to you. It wasn't fair for me to take my anger out on you, its not an excuse, but I've been going through a lot and sometimes I take it out on others. You lost your parents, and it was insensitive." Jace nodded. "It's okay, I never knew them anyway but its okay for you to be upset-" He glanced over to the photo on Alec's nightstand. "You lost someone too Alec." Alec walked over to the table and picked up the photo. They had taken it last year when it had been snowing. Alec was smiling while Magnus brushed snowflakes from his head. Jace had never seen Alec look that happy since he'd been here. Alec handed the photograph to Jace, his eyes darted over it, these two friends had something special. "He's visiting next week, just for a night. I told him about you and he said that he'd like to meet you" Jace smiled as he handed the photograph back, Alec placed it protectively on his nightstand. "I'd like to meet him too."


The following week, the attic conversion had been finished, so Jace was sat on his new bed, taking in everything that he could claim as his own for the first time. He ran his hands over the dresser and his new clothes, and his blanket. He'd never had belongings that we're 'Just his' before. A long screen divider was pulled from wall to wall, completely separating Izzy's section from his so they each had their own space. Jace looked out of the window in the roof, he felt like he was at the top of a castle. A car was pulling up outside the house. A young boy shot from the passenger seat of the car and Jace stared in wonder as Alec shot down the driveway, practically jumping into the other boy's arms. I'm guessing that's Magnus then...

Jace made his way down the ladder that came from the loft. He stood at the top of the stairs, looking over the railing while Magnus hugged everyone in the doorway. Maryse had her hands on either side of his face and was talking excitedly while they all fought over him. Jace moved his foot slightly, as to get a better look and the floorboard creaked, making everyone look up at him.

Maryse smiled and whispered to Magnus who nodded. She walked to the bottom of the stairs and held out her hand. "Come here Jace, there's someone I want you to meet." Jace waked down the stairs slowly, taking Maryse's hand at the bottom. "Here you go Jace, this is Magnus." Jace held his hand out as he took in the sight, he was not like any twelve-year-old boy that Jace had seen before. "It's nice to meet you Magnus." Magnus smiled affectionately, ignoring Jace's hand and putting his arms around Jace slightly so that he could hug him. "It's nice to finally meet you Jace, you're going to be so happy here, you've got a great family to look after you, okay?"


Later that evening, Maryse had ordered pizza for everyone, so all the kids were sat around the table with a board game in between them. It had got to a particularly heated moment when Alec was about to roll the dice, if he landed on a three, he would have to give Magnus all of his remaining money and would be out of the game. Jace had just taken his turn and moved the race car forward, gently tapping little Max's hand as he reached from his high chair and tried to grab it from in front of him. Alec smiled as he rolled the dice and looked at Jace. "He's always had a crazy obsession over the race car when we play, you're lucky he's not old enough to play yet. I bet you'll be fighting over it in a few years time." Jace smiled as Max grabbed his finger, he'd never considered that he could count on being with a family years later. All the kids screamed and shouted as Alec flipped the board "NOPE NOT PLAYING ANYMORE!" Izzy and Jace shouted for Maryse and Robert as Alec stalked out of the room with Magnus following on his heels.

Izzy sighed as she turned the board over. This usually happened, if it hadn't been Alec, it would have been one of the others. She didn't think that they'd ever actually finished a game before. Jace helped her get the money off the floor. "Thank you for helping me Jace." Jace smiled as he gathered up the various pieces and paper money and handed it to Isabelle. "That's what family's for Iz, they help you pick up the pieces."

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