Chapter 12: New heights

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A few weeks later, Jace was walking into the house after going to the park to search for Izzy. He'd checked Jonathan's house in case she'd been hanging with his sister, who Izzy rudely hadn't wanted him to meet, she had said Jace was a "Bad influence", but Jonathan hadn't seen her.

Jace pushed the door handle down and peered in. His parents had taken Max shopping, so he knew they weren't in. Jace chuckled to himself as he slipped quietly into the kitchen to get a drink. Alec and Magnus were watching the TV and Jace snuck around so they didn't realise that he was there. As much as he didn't want to walk in to see his brother "sucking face", he sure didn't think that Alec and Magnus would appreciate him walking in on their make-out session either. Jace put his hand over his mouth and went red as he heard Alec moan from the next room. Maybe he should gently suggest some kissing tips to him the next time there was no one about. Jace poked his head around the corner as he went to go upstairs. Any doubt that his brother and Magnus were dating was long gone. He could just see around the corner of the sofa. Magnus was lying flat on his back and Alec was lying on top of him while they kissed slowly. Jace appreciated that this was probably new to them both and they were clearly enjoying themselves, but did they really have to make out where he ate his breakfast?

Jace had just reached the top of the stairs as the front door slammed open. He ran down the stairs and tried not to laugh as Alec and Magnus spoke modestly about the politics of the space film that was on and tried to act as if they weren't making out, ten seconds before.

Izzy was in the kitchen and slamming cupboards as she searched for something. "You okay, Iz?" she opened one of the cupboards and a glass flew out. Jace caught it just before it hit the counter. "No, I am not okay! There was a boy in my class that I really liked, and I thought he liked me back, but oh no! I just found out that he's chasing after another girl, so that's the end of that idea!" Jace tried to be supportive. Izzy had a tear running down her face and she never got upset over boys, so Jace hugged her tightly and tried to pat the top of her head. Hugging still made him slightly uncomfortable, even after all this time. "Shhh, Iz, come on. He's not worth it okay. And she doesn't sound that good of a friend either." Izzy hugged her brother back.

"That's what I don't get. She's really sweet too, so I can't hate her. She's the one that I met in the hobby store once, that you didn't meet. I had no idea that she lived nearby but it's just my stupid timing Jace. I really liked him. " Jace grinned as he placed his chin on Izzy's head.

"She's the girl you met in the store!?" Izzy looked at him in curiosity, as he regained his composure. "Anyway...The girls in school like me Iz, I mean who wouldn't...? " He cleared his throat. "...If you really wanted me to, if this is the girl that I heard about from the store, then I suppose I could try and take her off the hands of this crush of yours." Izzy shook her head as she hugged her brother and rolled her eyes. "You are unbelievable Jace. I appreciate the thought... I think... But that's not fair. Besides-" she added "I really don't think you are her type, Jace" Jace winked as he grabbed an apple from the bowl and caught it in the air. He took a bite and walked out with a dramatic swoop. "I'm every girls' type, Iz."

An hour went by and Jace was practising for his grade seven piano exam, when he heard Maryse's keys turn in the door. He shot down the ladder of his room and into the hall, shouting over the railing at the top of the stairs. "Did you get it yet?!" Maryse smiled up at him. "No, I wanted you to come with me. Is Alec about? I haven't been able to get him out of the house in ages." Jace thought carefully about what he was going to say. "No. Magnus is over, so they're upstairs."


"How long do you think that it'll take to set up, Mom?" Maryse replied as she kept her eyes on the road. They wouldn't have been able to bring anyone else with them anyway because they'd needed to put all the seats down in the back. "Not long. We just need to find a space in the back garden that's flat enough so it's stable." Jace smiled. He liked spending time with just his Mom. "Mom? There's something I wanted to ask." Maryse looked confused.

"About the trampoline?"

"No, not that. It's about dating..." Maryse's heart rate went up a little, her children were growing quick and it sometimes caught her off guard, but she calmed herself. "Jace..." She sighed " are only thirteen remember, you're still very young."

"I know. I know. It's just like...eventually...what if I want to bring girls home? How does it work? Am I supposed to ask you first if I can? I don't know even know if I'm supposed to talk about this with you." Maryse turned the keys as they parked on the driveway. Okay, this is fine. "I tell you what Jace, it's okay to talk about this. It's good actually. I wish I had felt close enough to my Mother, when I was your age, to be able to talk like we do. When you're older, if you would like to bring girlfriends home, or boyfriends maybe, I won't make assumptions, then tell me so I can get everyone out of the house. It's a lot of pressure when you're dating, to try and hide it-" There is? "-so I don't want you to feel as if you have to hide anything, okay? Some young people don't like...kissing and things...if their parents are around the house. I can make an excuse to get everyone out of the house. Just promise to safe and behave, okay?" Jace nodded. What an awesome Mom...

Jace put his hand on the door handle. "Jace? When you are a bit older, maybe you'll be more likely to talk about this kind of stuff with your Father or Alec rather than me, but if you need anything or want to ask for anything, or talk about anything, then just know that I'll never judge you, and I'll always love you, okay?" Jace nodded and hugged her over the middle of the seats, not totally knowing what she meant. "And Jace?"


"Please try not to break any hearts...I know you might not want to settle just yet, but you're only young right now. Emotions are difficult to get right. I guess I just don't want you to be chasing after too many dates. Try not to toy with other people's feelings, okay?"


It was later that night when Jace went upstairs, he hadn't wanted to go because he was exhausted from being on the trampoline all day. His Mom had sent him to ask Alec and Magnus if they wanted hot chocolate, before they went to sleep. He'd already asked Max and Izzy, so they were both downstairs in the kitchen. Alec's door was open a crack. The light was off but the lamp in his room was on. He was about to speak and then stopped himself. Something had been playing on his mind. Since the discussion in the car, about it being difficult to hide relationships, but that some people do. He knew it was complicated with Alec and another level was added to it again because no one else knew that Alec liked boys. He was trying his best to help them keep it a secret, even if it was difficult or awkward for himself at times, but he loved his brother and knew Alec would have done the same for him. He didn't know how long they could hide it though, and the effect the pressure could be having. It worried him.

He peeked through the crack in the door. Alec was lying half sat up, closest to the door, and Magnus was next to him. Jace's breath hitched as he thought that they'd seen him, but he realised they were both within seconds of falling asleep. They were looking at each other, so they hadn't seen him. He opened the door a crack wider and put his hand against his chest. He'd never been one for mushy relations, but something about seeing them just got to him. Magnus had his arms around Alec and he looked so small. He was smiling sweetly, his cheeks pink from having Magnus protectively wrapped around him. The sides of their faces were against each other's and Magnus was running his hand over Alec's head. They whispered softly to each other. "I never thought I would ever love someone so much." Alec lifted his head slightly and kissed Magnus softly as he smiled. "Me either, Magnus. I love you so much."

Jace pulled the door shut without a sound. Damn it guys. I want that.

Maryse looked up as Jace came back into the kitchen. "Did they want hot chocolate?" Jace only half heard her. "What? Oh no, they've gone to sleep." Maryse looked as Jace grabbed his jacket off the chair. "Mom, I've just remembered that I left one of my school books at a friends house. If I go and come back straight away, can I go get it? I need it for tomorrow and its too out of the way to get it before school." Maryse sighed. Jace was always forgetting stuff, so it was nothing new. "Okay Jace, take the torch with you and be straight back."


Jace's foot slipped as he climbed the trellis on the side of the house. There were roses dotted through it, and he tried to be careful, both so he didn't trample them, or so he didn't stab himself on a thorn. The curtain was open a crack and he shone the torch into the room. His fingers ached as he clung to the side of the house, just below the window sill, it would be a long fall from here. The window above him was lifted upwards and Jace smiled as he looked up.

"I'm sorry it's so late but-" He panted "-I just had to see you again."

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