Chapter 11: New discoveries

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Max stood in the doorway, blocking Jace's path to the stairs. Jace smirked at his little brother. He couldn't believe that he'd seen Max grow so much over the last five years. They had all actually grown a lot in the past year and their Mom was shorter than Alec now. "Come on Max, you're not even seven just yet. Do you really think I want to rough you up again?" Max smirked as he ran at Jace's legs, knocking him over and Jace laughed as he fought to get Max off him, he really had a tight grip when he got going, Maryse and Robert had forever given up trying to stop the two from play fighting. Their parents were considering letting them both start some kind of martial arts, to tire them out a bit, but Jace was doing well with his gymnastics and was really invested in it. He had a regional competition next month.

Max tackled Jace and grinned as he got the upper hand. Jace stuck his foot up to try and push Max back, but his foot contacted the pot on the window sill that Alec had made last year. It wobbled for a second and toppled to the floor as both boys raced to catch it. The pot hit the landing floor, braking into hundreds of tiny shards. Both of the boys stood up and stared at the ground. Max shrugged his shoulders before running to the ladder of the attic. "Don't look at me... I'm six."

Jace looked at the broken remains, pondering how he was going to clean it up, when he remembered that his older brother was speaking to Izzy in his room next door. "Aleeeec?"

Alec sighed as he shouted from behind the door. "Is something broken Jace?"

Jace gestured with his hand. "Well my pride for star-"

Alec sounded bored and probably not in the mood to be sweeping up Jace's mess. "...Are you bleeding Jace?"

Jace looked at both of his hands. Dammit. ""

"Then you're on your owwwwn!"

Jace lifted the rug and looked under it. How much broken pottery could one fit under a rug before it became obvious?

Alec popped behind him, making him jump. "Seriously Jace? I made that for Mom! Stop braking my stuff!"

Jace sighed as Alec pushed him out of the way, opening the cupboard door so he could get the broom out. "For Mom? Really Alec. You know you're sixteen and not...yanno...six?"

Alec rolled his eyes and leaned against the broom. "You know what Jace? You broke it. If you're so smart, how about you do your chores for once and actually learn how to sweep." He put the broom in Jace's hand and went back to his room. Jace scowled but then chuckled as he heard Alec and Izzy speaking and Alec slamming his laptop shut. Jace loved knowing more about Alec than anyone else did. Even Alec himself. Alec hadn't spoken with Magnus in a year and was in an especially bad mood today, so he'd probably been stalking him online again. Magnus and Jace had actually spoken on the phone a few times at really bad points when Jace had wanted a conversation over the past year, but Magnus didn't want to speak to him for long.

Jace swept up for approximately two minutes before Maryse came up the stairs. She looked over the banister as Jace tried to sweep with the width of the broom. "Jace! What happened? Alec made that for me for Mother's Day!" Jace looked down sadly with big eyes. "I'm going to be honest with you Mom. Max broke it and I was going to take the blame, but you didn't raise me to lie. He's just a little boy still. Please don't punish him." Maryse grabbed Jace in a tight hug. "Jace you poor thing. You know that we never have and never will punish you children for anything. It was an accident on Max's part but thank you for being honest. Why don't you go practise your keyboard and I'll clean it up for you?"

Jace hugged her as he grinned against her side. "Thank you, Mommy. Let's hope that Max learns to be more careful next time."

Maryse kissed the top of his head and he dusted off his hands as he started off down the hall with a smirk on his face and a spring in his step.


Later on, with the conflict forgotten, Jace and Max were racing cars on the TV while Izzy critiqued their driving skills. Jace pushed Izzy back when she tried to grab the controller. "Izzy! Seriously! Go style your hair or whatever it is that girls usually do!" Izzy scoffed as Max spoke without taking his eyes off the TV.

"Yes, but what is it that girls usually do, Jace?"

Jace fought with the buttons as he smirked. "Make eyes at me and give me their mobile numbers."

Maryse walked into the room to somehow find both Max and Jace pinned by their sister as she lay over them while watching TV. Maybe she should try and get Izzy into martial arts lessons instead? Maryse cleared her throat. Looking at Alec in concern as the sixteen year old zipped his coat up. He was going to the park to ring Magnus and hopefully get their friendship back on track. Maryse caught herself getting emotional at how mature Alec was becoming. And then turned back to the other three. She needed to get them out, so Alec could go to the park and ring Magnus with privacy.

"Who wants to go and get Ice cream?!"


Maryse, Robert and three of their children sat on the bench that over looked the sea. Even though it was the end of January, there was a diner nearby that made soft serve Ice cream all year round and they were regular customers. Robert whispered to his wife softly as the three kids argued over the best flavour ice cream. "Is Alec okay, Maryse? Do you think him and Magnus will be friends again?" Maryse sighed as she licked her ice cream. "I don't know Robert. I hope so. I mean they have so much history together, I don't even know why they fell out in the first place. Maybe it was over a girl or something?" Jace snorted, making his ice cream go everywhere. Izzy shouted in disgust as Maryse quirked her eyebrows. "Something to add Jace?" Jace shook his head and tried to wipe his mouth.

"No. Nothing to add, Mom."


It was late the next afternoon when Jace was looking out the attic window. Because it was late January, it was starting to get dark already. The sun had been shining earlier but rain had started pattering down a few minutes ago and it had escalated to a full downpour. He put his hand to his head. Him and Izzy and Max had eaten way too much sugar yesterday and he got headaches when he ate too many sweets. He looked out of the window with curiosity. Alec had rung Magnus yesterday or something and Magnus was travelling down to meet with him today. Jace was praying that Magnus and Alec were going to be friends again, if nothing else.

He lay on his bed for a while and tried to get some sleep to shake off his headache but there was too much light. Eventually, he went downstairs so he could sit in the front door step. Sometimes cool air helped and he liked the sound of the rain. The dark clouds had formed a black veil over the street. Jace sat on the step and looked out as the rain fell in sheets over the ground. It was only after a few minutes that he noticed that Alec and Magnus were speaking under the cover of one of the large trees just down the street. The only light came from the lamppost next to them. Why don't they just come in? Jace smiled. It had been so long since they had seen Magnus and he hoped that he would be back for good. It was good that they seemed to be friends again. Jace's eyes widened as he looked down the street. He saw Magnus push Alec back against the lamppost and he felt his face going warm. Okay, so maybe not just friends then?

Izzy popped up behind him, making him jump. "What are you looking at Jace?" Jace jumped up, pushing the door shut and leaning against it. "Nothing Izzy! Why don't you go show me those new shoes that you bought yesterday!" Izzy smiled as Jace led her down the corridor. He didn't blame Alec and Magnus if they didn't want to tell anyone just yet, it was their lives after all. But if he was going to have to endure distracting everyone else, then they really owed him one.

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