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        I am standing here watching everything unfold with marcus next to me. Demons and hunters are running around trying to kill each other. I stoped fighting so I can close the gate to hell. I was concentrating  so I can close the gate when it is time when someone interrupted my thoughts.

        "Claire you can't do this." A voice said from behind me. I turned to see Mike my brother.

        "Nobody else can close the gate so yes I have to do this." I said 

        "No you..." Mike was cut off when someone screamed my name from behind him. I looked over his shoulder to see Shane, Eve, and Michael running towards us.

        They weren't soppuse to be here. They are going to get hurt being here. I told them not to come here and yet here they are. They need to get them out of here before it is to late.

        "What the hell are you guys doing here?" I asked when they stoped in front of me and Mike.

        "We are trying to stop you from doing this." Shane said grabbing my hand.

        "I have to do this Shane or everybody could die including you." I told him like so many times before.

        "No you don't and don't say anything till I am done talking." He said when I went to say something. "You can have one of the angels do it for you."

        He did have a point they could close the gate with no problem. Were I on the other hand could die trying. I turned away from them closed me eyes and called down Razul since he is the only angle that answers when I call apun them.

        "What do you want now Claire?" My eyes snaped open when I heard Razul ask me that.

        "I need you to close the gate." I said not looking at him. I heard him start laughing.

        "Now why would I do that?" He asked still laughing.

        "Because if you don't then she can die trying to close it herself." Michael told him before I had the chance to say anything.

        "She will close the gate and that is final!" Razul yelled before disapearing.

        I turned around to look at them before talking. "You guys should get out of here before I have to close it."

        "No we are not leaving you here by yourself." They all said at the same time.

        "One that was really weird and if you guys stay here then you can get killed." 

        "We are not leaving and that is final." Mike and Shane said in the same tone. I knew right then and there that there was no room to argue. "Be carefull!" Eve said as I turned around to start the spell.

        When I turned around I saw demons coming our way. So I put up a force feild so they couldn't get to Shane, Michael, Eve, and Mike. I started the spell as they got closer. The gate was slowly closing and I culd bearly hear the guys to stop using extra magic. I could slowly feel my magic draining. When the gate was finally closed and the most of the demos were gone I fell to the ground seeing nothing but pitch black.                   


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