Chapter 8

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        So I have finished Chapter 8 early so I have decied to put it up early. I am going to be satarting chapter 9 soon and either in chapter 9 or 10 I will be starting to switch from claire's/Katerina's pov to Shane's pov so pay close attention to whos pov it is in. Enjoy!

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        Shane had gotten up and punched Tyler. Tyler punched him back and michael was trying to pull shane back. In till one of Tyler friends punched Michael. From there it was a free for all. Derek was trying to break up the fighting. I went over and got between Shane and Tyler.

        I put my hand on Shane's chest. “Shane it’s not worth it.” I said trying to get him to calm down.

        “Didn’t you hear what he was saying about you?” He asked still pissed but not as much.

        “Yes, but he is still not worth it.”

        “Fine” He said but didn’t move away as I thought he would.

        “Shane go sit down. Please I don’t want you to get in trouble.” I said holding my breath.

        “Okay, but I don’t like him.”

        “I know. I don’t like him that much either.”

        He walked back to the table and sat down. That’s when I realized that when I stop Shane and Tyler’s fight everyone had stopped fighting. Derek was telling people to calm down and giving orders. There was a mess on the floor and chairs were knocked over. I picked up the chairs and then started on the mess on the floor. When I started with the mess Tyler came over by me.

        “That guy is a jackass.” He said angrily

        “Yeah he can be.” I said without looking at him. “But that doesn’t matter right now. For today please just leave me alone and no comments.”

        “Fine, whatever I won’t talk to you today.” He said then stormed off.

        “What am I going to do with everyone.” I said to myself.

        A shadow fell over me and I looked up to see Shane standing there again. “Can I help you clean up the mess?” He asked as he crunched down.

        “Sure, that would be helpful. Thank you.” I said with a smile spreading over my face.

        “It’s the least I can do when it is my fault there’s a mess in the first place.”

        “It wasn’t your fault. I should've warned you about Tyler and told him to stop. When he first started making the comments I thought it was just to bug me like usual. Then he started taking it a bit too far and I saw he was looking at you. He wanted to get to you and I should’ve told him to stop.”

        “How about this it was both of are faults. Since we are both going to try to convince each other how it is not their fault and it is ours.” He said. As we cleaned up the mess we kept brushing our hands together on purpose and talked.

        When we were done he went back to the table and I went to talk to Derek. “Hey Derek.” I said as I got closer to him.

        “Hey Katerina. I think you need to take the rest of the day off and take your friends with you.” Derek said sounding angry.

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