Chapter 3

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        In the morning I was running late, and almost got to work late. Good thing both the owner and the manager likes me. But that doesn’t mean it is going to be easy to get two weeks off. I wish Marcus would of at least given me a two day warning or something. About halfway through my shift the mayor came in, and sat in my section.

        “Good morning sir.” I said as cheerful as I could manage.

        “Oh Katerina just the person I was looking for please have a seat.” He said with this weird smile.

        “Sorry sir but I am in the middle of my shift.”“I’m sure your boss won't mind. I mean I am the mayor and all.”

        “Right good point.” I sat down hesitantly. “So um what did you want to talk to me about.”

        “I heard you are going to be hanging with scott tonight, and that it’s a date. Is that true.”

        “No sir.” I was thinking about killing who ever told the mayor that.

        “That is not what Scott and Tyler both said.” He had this smug smile on his face, that I wanted to slap off his face.

        “Well it’s not a date, and Scott knows it. Even if it was Tyler would think it’s a date no matter what.” I am so going to kill Scott tonight.

        That smile on his face just got wider. He knows its not a date so why is he doing this. Just as I was about to tell him I have to get back to work he surprised me by saying. “Katerina I like you and I think you should give scott a chance.”

        When my mouth dropped opened his smile got even wider I didn’t think it could get any wider. I finally got myself under control, and said as calmly as I could. “Weren’t you the one who said that even though you liked me that you didn’t want me to date either one of your boys.” After I said this his smile went away.

        “Yes I did, but now that I know you better I think you should give Scott a chance.”

        Oh my god was he making this really awkward and difficult for me to answer. I couldn’t think of what to say, and I have no idea why but it looked like he was enjoying this.        

        “Katerina what do you think about this.”

        I was so trying not to do what I did next but I couldn’t help myself I asked. “Is this some kind of joke or something because if it is it isn’t funny.”

        “No, now why would I be joking.” His smile returned but a little bit creepier then the last time.

        “So do you realize if I did go out with Scott there would be a war at your house.” It was my turn to smile knowing that should be a deal breaker, well at least hoping.

        “If you go out with Scott I will have a long conversation with Tyler .”

        My smile vanished as I said. “I like Scott a lot, but not as a boyfriend.”

        The mayor was starting to hit a nerve with the whole boyfriend thing. “That is because you hang out with him as friends, but if you just let him take you out on a date you might change your mind.”

        “If I say that I will think about it will you let me get back to work.”

        “Deal.” As I got up to leave he grabbed my wrist. “Oh Katerina don’t mention this to Scott or anyone else do we understand each other.”

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