Chapter 5

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        I find Victor in the middle of the woods like I suspected. We played a game of cat and mouse for while back and forth. Then I got bored and just wanted to go get something to eat so I killed him. Don’t freak about me killing him he is one of the evilest people on the planet, and that is what Razul attended me to do anyways. When I got back to the cabin Razul was gone and Marcus was talking on the phone. He hadn’t notice me yet so I decided to eavesdrop.

        “Razul said he would do it.” Marcus said.

        “Does she know what he is helping you with.” I heard Mason say though the phone.

        I have excellent hearing due to the angle blood, so I could hear both ends of the conversation. Mason is Marcus brother whom I haven’t really meet but talked to him over the phone before.

        “No she doesn’t and I plan on keeping it that way.” Marcus said kind of threatening.

        “You have my word I wont tell her anything.” Mason said trying to hide his amusement.

        I have no idea what Marcus was going say to that because he turned around and saw me standing behind him. He told Mason goodbye and gave me a disappointed look.

        “How long were you eavesdropping?” Marcus asked in a sad voice.

        “Not long.”

        “How much do you know?” He still talking in a low sad voice and I knew that he was disappointed in me. He was also scared of what I know.

        “All I know is that Razul agreed to help you with something, and that you don’t want me to know what it is.”  He looked relieved, and less disappointed.

        “You aren’t going to hound me about it are you?”

        “No Marcus that is you business not mine. If you wanted me to know you would tell me. I can handle not knowing everything.”

        “Thanks if it was Mike he would be all over me playing 50 questions till I give in and tell him.”

        I turned around so he couldn’t see how that hurt me. Then told him I was going to make us some dinner before we hit the road. He must of sensed that what he said hurt me because he followed me inside. I was moving around the small kitchen getting everything I need ready. He came and stood in front of me blocking my path.

        “Claire i’m sorry I mentioned Mike. I know how hard it is for you to talk about everyone.” He said softly.

        “It’s fine, i’m okay. Don’t worry I know you didn’t mean anything by it.” I said even though it did get to me.

        “No it’s not fine I shouldn’t of said anything. You do know that you can change your mind anytime and go back to your old live.”

        “Marcus you know how much I would love to go back to my old live. But I…”

        “Don’t you dare say that you can’t because you can.”

        “Marcus you may think I can and maybe I could if I wanted to, but I can’t keep hurting them.”

        “You're not hurting anyone….”

        “Everytime I get into a fight or use magic makes me at risk of getting killed, and every time that happens everyone who care about me gets hurt.” I said then added in a whiny voice. “Marcus I can’t go back I just can’t. Will you promise not to try to convince me. Please.”

The Witch in Blackwoods Tennessee (On Hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant