Chapter 4

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       Sorry I didn't put this chapter on last night. I am moving sunday and in the middle of packing and some drama that has been happening at my house i forgot all about putting the chapter on. Anyways here is the next chapter and i hope you like it enjoy.

         Everything was going fine. I was just finishing up a table on my side, about to go see how the out of towners were doing(which is on Kayla’s side). When Kayla brought Ben in and he was asking Kayla why I was going away for two weeks.

        Ben saw Me and yelled. “Kitty.” As he was running towards me.

        Ben is the only one who I let call me kitty. When his mom said my nickname Kat he thought she said Kitty. So now he calls me Kitty and I yell at anyone else who calls me Kitty.

        I bent down to grab him before he ran into my legs. As I picked him up I said. “Yes Ben.”

        “Mommy said you are going away for a while, why?” He asked sounding really sad.

        “Ben sweetie don’t be so sad I will only be gone for a little while.” I was trying to make him feel better because I didn’t like the fact of him being sad.

        “But why do you have to go?” He still looked really sad.

        “I have to go see some of my family”

        “But you’re leaving me.”  He looked like he was about to cry.

        I sat down on the floor with Ben on my lap where I was standing. which happened to be in the middle of the diner. I wrapped my arms around him holding him tightly to me. Trying to make him feel better. I looked around and there was a lot of eyes on use. I wouldn’t be surprised if the out of towners had their eyes on me and Ben.

        I was thinking about what to say to Ben when he said. “Kitty when are you leaving.” He had his I have an idea face on.

        “I’m leaving tonight sweetie. why?”

        “Do you think I could hang out with you till you have to go.” I went to go answer him and he put his hand over my mouth so I wouldn’t say anything. “I wasn’t done silly.” He was so cute doing this I wasn’t even mad. “Do you think when you get back I could sleep at your house?”

        He was a really smart kid for being three. “Well you would have to ask mommy and I was suppose to hang out with scott. So if you want to come to my house today you have to talk him and see if he doesn’t mind if you hang out with us.”

        “Oh he won't mind kitty” Ben said as he got off my lap and went to talk to them.

        I was trying to listen to him convince his mom to let him come over and Scott. When Derek stepped in front of my view of them. He looked amused and kind of pissed at the same time.

        “Katerina why the hell are you sitting in the middle of my diner?” He asked.

        “Wait your diner.” I said mocking him. “Aren’t you just the manager?” I smiled as I said it which he hated.

        “You know what I mean and if you want to keep your job I advise you to get your ass up.” When I didn’t move he got an idea and he knew I wouldn’t like it. “Fine if you're going to be that way I will pick you up and move you.”

        “Oh yeah I like to see you try.”  I said knowing he probably would but I like to test him, oh and tease him.

        “Alright you asked for it.” He said as he bent down to grab me.

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