Chapter 1

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        There once was a witch named Katerina Davis. She was a witch because of the angle blood inside her. Katerina is only 18, she lives in a small town called Blackwoods in Tennessee. I am that girl and this is a story about my life. Everyone calls me Kat or Kitty for short. I work in a diner as a waitress. I work with another waitress named Kayla. Kayla is 20 and she has a three year old named Ben. I love to babysit Ben. I am not a native in this small town, neither is Kayla. I moved here just two short months ago. Kayla got here about a year before I did.

        I’m a short pretty girl, who has long black  hair with blue streaks in it and has brown eyes (sometimes I have purple eyes). I am really smart and have a lot of confidence in myself and others. I lost my parents at the age of seven and had to take care of my brothers. I think there is good in anybody. I love to draw, sing, and dance, but I mostly love my animals, family and friends. I’m from Blacksville,Texas.

        Kayla is a tall pretty girl, with long blonde hair and blue eyes. Most people don’t know a lot about her, except she has a son named Ben. Ben is this beautiful little boy with short light brown hair and these gorgeous blue eyes. Ben loves me and sees me as a second mom.

        With moving to a small town I left behind everything I ever knew. I left my sister (best friend) behind. I even left my brother(real) behind. I left my old life to spare my friends and family. No one in town knows about my past; only that I moved there from another small town called blacksville which is in Texas. It was hard but I left my old life to start an even harder life without my family and  friends.

        I always get hassled by one of the mayors sons. His name is Tyler and he is 17 and has a younger brother, Scott who is 16. Scott tries to keep his brother away from me. Even his girlfriend Leigh and his dad couldn’t get him to leave me alone. Sometimes I would snap and yell at him but that only made it worse. Even though Tyler wasn't the only one who liked me he was the worse of them. Besides I still wasn’t  over my boyfriend I left back in Texas.

        Tyler is this tall and handsome guy, with kind of long blonde hair and green eyes. Tyler is a player and is always playing with his girlfriend’s emotions. He only thinks about himself and is always after me. Tyler is known as the black sheep of his family.

        Leigh is a tall and pretty girl, she has glamorous long blonde hair and hazel eyes. She is the center of everyone's attention and just happens to be the most popular girl at her school. Sometimes she can be really really nice, but she is mostly mean. She secretly hates me for how much attention Tyler gives me.

        Scott is tall and a gorgeous guy, he has short black hair and these amazing green eyes. Scott is a kind and loving person. He is always so nice to people unless they need to take a hint and leave him or his friends alone. Scott just happens to be Tyler’s brother. He also happens to like me ( fun for me right, brothers fighting over me) and helps me out when his brother starts to hassle me.

        I hang out with the girls who are still in their senior year. They like hanging out at my house or when we go see a movie. Sometimes we would go clubbing in the city. The girls like it better when we go clubbing. No matter what they do some of the guys follow them. Tyler tries to dance with me but I just push him over to Leigh. Usually I just dances with the girls but every once in a while I will dance with Scott (which Tyler hates).

        While everyone is in school I watch Ben or I am at work. When I don’t have to work and  i’m not hanging with my friends I am on my online college. I’m already a senior in college and my semester is almost up. Then I will have a masters degree in physics. My friends don’t know that I’m in college. I am really pretty but I can be a big geek.

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