Chapter 2

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        One night the girls decided to go clubbing, and that's when the live I have created for myself got turned upside down. After work Leigh and a couple of the other girls picked me up to go clubbing in the city. Of course since it is a small town when someone leaves everyone knows. Luckily the parents trust and believe me. when I say we are going to see a movie. On the way to the club the girls notice that the boys were behind us and knew that they were going to follow us to the club.

        Once at the club Tyler started right away with trying to get me to dance with him. I just pushed him away and danced with Scott while laughing. Like always Tyler tried to cut in but Leigh kept pulling him back to her. Finally I got tired and thirsty, so I went to get some water and sit down. On the way to the bar I saw what I thought was my ex-boyfriend Shane.  

        Shane is a tall and sexy guy, with short dark brown hair and brown eyes. He just turned 20. He has no family left, but Michael and Eve. Shane is deeply in love with me. He will do anything to show me how much he misses me, and how much he wants me back. Shane is a really sweet guy but he can become really jealous real easily.

        “Shane, Shane.” I yelled. The whole time I was thinking  that can’t be him it just can’t be, but at the same time I was hoping it is him. For all I knew he could of turned his head and looked at me. But I will never know, as soon as I yelled his name I ran for the bathroom.

        I was just about to reach the bathroom when Tyler stepped in front of me. “Hey are you okay, you look like you have just seen a ghost,” Tyler asked. He had his usual smug and sarcastic smile on his face. But behind that smile he was serious and wanted to know if I was okay.

        I just smiled and said “yeah I am fine, everything is good. I am just going to the bathroom.” It sounded like he made a comment about coming with. But I just pushed past him and ran into the bathroom.

        “That was not Shane, Shane is in Texas with Eve and Michael.” I kept repeating that over and over again to myself in the mirror.

        Eve is a short pretty girl, with long jet black hair and has really pale skin. Eve is almost 20. Some people would say she is goth. But the truth is she can just be a little sad at times. She lives in  Blacksville with Shane and Michael. Eve is married to Michael, Shane and I are her best friends.

        Michael is a tall handsome guy, with short blonde hair and has green eyes. Michael was a vampire, but he got turned back to a human. No one knows that I am the reason he is human again and no one can ever know. Michael is 20 but looks 18 from when he was a vampire. He loves music, matter of fact he is a musician. he plays the guitar mostly. Oh and he is madly in love with Eve.

        I’m scared out of my mind that Shane and my friends have found me. I gave myself a pep talk to go back out to the club. “You are not Claire any more, you are Katerina and they are not here. They are in Texas, where you can’t hurt them anymore. You need to pull yourself together, and stop torturing yourself. Just go back out to the club and have some fun.” I was telling myself over and over again.

        Before we get back out to the club I should probably tell you a little about my past. My real name is Claire Davidson, I changed my name when I moved to Blackwoods. My parents died when I was seven, and my mom had just had a baby. I took care of my two brothers Mike and Max. Max died when he was only nine. There was always someone or something after me, rather it was a demon, vampire, werewolf, another witch/warlock, or even the fairy queen. Mike would hunt the bad ones, I would help Mike, I liked to fight. I was part of a group known as hunters and Mike is still in the group. Hunters didn’t have anything special about them besides their weapons. Sometimes I would use some magic, but usually it was just a hand to hand combat. Anyways during my last battle Shane and my friends where there and I tried to protect them. But I just couldn’t handle all the magic at once and kill all the demons there. But it almost cost me my life ( not the first time I had almost died), everyone thought I was dead. Since everyone thought I was dead, I decided that I had put them through enough danger and I can’t do that anymore, So when they all went home I got up and left. The only one who knew I was still alive was a family friend named Marcus and a girl named Aimee who helped me get started with a new life.

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