Familiars part 2

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Ok hey everyone I am back,sorry it took so long,I had to come up with names for everyone's familiar.And I also had a case of writer's block so if anyone has any ideas please tell me.
Sexykinky_Devil=hana(Draco's shadow fox)
TheBadassGeek=bunny(Harry's shadow fox)
Road_not_taken=edward(Harry's snake)
Rashmi1972=hope(Pansy's bunny)
Ok so lord this took a while and Sexykinky_devil used to be yonngi_ismysmolboy so now there is no confusion on to the story.

Blaise's POV

While me and Pansy were at the pet store.We just so happened to run into the power couple.Harry and Draco.The boy who lived and the snake prince.Anyway while we were at the store.I felt a pull to go to the bird section.So after Pansy found her familiar I left her and went to go find my familiar.When I got to the section two cages down,I stopped.When I looked up I saw a phoenix.It was red and blue.

It was red and blue

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It was hella epic.Anyway I unlocked the cage and I took it."Hello little friend,turns out your my familiar let's be great friends,"I said as I smile at him.

"Hello master,I have been waiting for you.I swear that I will always be with you.Also what is my name?"chirped the phoenix.

"You dont have a name little birdie?"

"No I do not my old master never bothered he just called me bitch.Turns out he was the bitch when I scratched his eye out."

"Well shit.Anyway what do you want your name to be?"

"You are giving me the chance to pick my name,you truly are a gracious master.How about Ignis(latin for fire)."

"Ok then Ignis.Lets go meet up with the others."

Draco's POV

After a while,everyone comes back and we head to the front of the shop to go buy supplies and our familiars.When we try and pay for our pets.@taequility(the owner)
says"No,you dont have to pay,they rightfully belong to you,they are your familiars."I nod my head in thanks and we all apperate back to Hogwarts.

Time skip brought to you by it being 3 in the fucking morning.

The next morning,I wake up a bit earlier than needed.As I lay awake I stare at Harry.Yes I am probably being a creep but he is just so fucking adorable.The way the light shines on his black hair at just the right angle.His avada kavada green eyes hidden just beneath his eye lids.His short height where I can cuddle him.His sassy,caring and funny personality.His laugh and smile that lights up the room.This is why I fell in love with him and every minute that I am with him,I fall deeper.

What felt like an eternity was actually just an hour and Harry slowly opened his beautiful eyes and said"Hey,babe.How long have you been staring at me."

"A few hours or so I dont know,"I reply.I gave him an eskimo kiss and stood up to get ready.

I gave him an eskimo kiss and stood up to get ready

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Eskimo kiss so cute.

After we got ready and after feeding Hana,Edward and Bunny. We went to the great hall.During breakfast I saw a letter heading my way.I opened the letter and read.


It turns out that I won,your father owes me 12 galleons.My baby is mated to Harry Potter.Your father and I are so happy for you.You two should come to the mansion next week for the Christmas break.Also you might be wondering how do we know that you two are dating.Well Rita Skitter wrote a newspaper article on it.I have provided a page of it in the letter:

I have provided a page of it in the letter:

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That was a very......passionate kiss.Anyway we will see you next week.
mommy dearest.
After reading the letter,I burst out laughing and hand the letter to Harry.After he reads the letter he bursts out laughing too.Now people are just looking at us crazy but we don't care.
Time skip to the end of Friday brought to you by my tiredness.

After classes me and Harry pack our bags and head to the train.We are two of the few people who are leaving Hogwarts so the train isnt as packed as it would usually be.Anyway on our way back home,we talk about a million and one things yet nothing at all.Harry at some point leans on me and falls asleep.I grab a book out of my bag after locking all of the doors and read myself to the realm of dreams.

Ok guys this was a small chapter but I am really tired and my school is taking me to go see endgame so I need sleep for a 3 hour movie.Anyway good night or good morning folks.Also btw this was 792 words.

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