Important Meeting!

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         You woke up really late today because you stayed up until 1:30 in the morning talking to your parent. Well more like getting in trouble, so that made you madder because today was important day. It was important because you didn't want to look tired while being on this once in a life time opportunity.

Few hours later

You felt more refresh after you did some yoga and drank some tea. It was almost time for your meeting to see if you could work at the Jin's cafe because you always wanted to work there before you moved to Seoul.

N/Y Pov

     I quickly walked to my computer about to set out an application for the cafe as I  suddenly pull up a website that said in big bolt letters No Hiring until 3 months from now. A negative energy circled around you as you started to fell useless. Today wasn't a very successful day until you heard a ding go off on your phone.

     Your hesitated on picking it up because you thought it was gonna be more sad news. You heard it go off a few more times which made you pick it up because it might be very important.

N/Y: Hello?

??: Hello is this Ms.Kim N/Y?

     The woman over the phone seem really happy and sweet. So I felt relieved as I answered her back quick so she didn't get the wrong idea.

N/Y: Yes that is me!

??: Ohh great! Is there by any chance you could come by here at 3:45 pm today?

     You looked down at your phone to see the caller ID, and your eyes wide up so quick you did not fell tired any more.

N/Y: Hmm.. Yeah I'll be there at 3:45pm.

     The friendly woman over the phone quickly answered back with See you soon and how not to forget to bring some water.
After that I thanked her and hanged up the phone.

     You sat back in a high chair at you kitchen counter as a little smile enter your face. As you began to talk to yourself out loud.

     How am I gonna do? N/Y you can't screw this up. Wait why did see say bring water?

    You though of how that was really random thing to say, but then you went back to how nice and sweet she was to you.

     Suddenly you looked at your computer to see a message from CEO of JYP Entertainment asking if you could try out some new song with your singing voice.

     Your smile became big making your cheeks hurt from smiling so much.

N/Y: He remember I want to become a singer! He really is a nice and caring CEO.

*Time Flys*

     After some time past it was already 3:00 pm. You looked up at the JYP Entertainment building and decided to walk in hoping for the rest of the day to go great.

     You slowly walked into the huge building in complete shock from all of the different events going on all at once.
As you walked through to the front desk to see so many different idols working so hard on their work.

     Finally you reached the desk to be greeted with a warm smile. She was a tall girl with long hair to her stomach. She wore reading glasses with a cute knee level light blue dress. She quick bowed as she saw me, and welcomed me so nicely.

??: Hello and welcome to JYP Entertainment! What can I help you with today?

     You bowed back while smiling back as you reply back to her.

N/Y: Yes I talk to a girl over the phone saying to coming in here by 3:45 pm.

??: Ahh you must be Ms.Kim N/Y? It great to finally put a face to the nice girl over the phone. I'm Mrs. Jung Wook it's great to meet you Ms.N/Y.

N/Y: Your the kind lady over the phone. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

Mrs. Jung Wook: Oh I'm not the one you should thank follow me to your meeting.

          You bowed while thanking her again. Both of you suddenly began your way to your meeting with Mr. Jung Wook. After you both walked down a long hallway, then up two flights of stairs you finally reached the level of the elevators. Both of you enter the elevator as she pushed the highest level of the building to where his office was.

     I sightly asked how long she has been the welcoming face of the company. She quickly shut it down with out an hesitation.

Mrs.Jung Wook: Sweetie you don't need to flatter me it's my husband you need to convenience. Also when it's just us two call me Seo Yoon-jeong or eomma ok. If you make it we'll be a family.

     After that you where in complete shock. You had no idea what to do next or say in that matter. The elevator doors finally opened as you heard her mumble a word hellelevator.

     You mumbled to your self as you continued to follow her what does that mean? Was she mad I admired her work, and wanted to know more about it? Is the elevator that bad?

     Suddenly she opens his office door, and answered with. Hello here is your 3:45 pm appointment Mr. Wook.

        He quick stood up from his desk to welcome me to another young, also very quiet handsome guy. He looked like a few years old than me, but I wasn't gonna ask.

Mr.Wook: This is the girl I was telling you about.

??: It is nice to finally meet you! I'm Chan and I'm the leader of Stray Kids.

N/Y: Nice to meet you too! Also thank you to both of you for letting me meet you both.

Chan: You are a nice young lady Ms.N/Y.

Mr.Wook cut you off from about to thank him, and began to talk about what he wanted you two to do next.

20 minutes later

Mr.Wook: Now all of the paper work is out of the way. May you please show us your vocal skill Ms.N/Y. Have you ever sang in front of any one before like a boyfriend by any chance?

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