Does he like me?

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Felix: Get on now

N/Y: What?

Felix: Get on my back so we could get there faster. Or you could be slow as heck and we get in more trouble.

A chuckle left your lips as you rolled your eyes and he put both of your arms around his neck to give you a picky back ride.

N/Y: Your an Idol now if you get hurt I'm dead!

Felix: Just jump and stop wasting time.

He quickly grabbed the back of your thighs as you jumped on his back. Feeling his tight grip on your legs as he started to run as fast as he could.


Felix: Get on my back!

N/Y: No I could walk. Also you can't care me because all the girls will get jealous.

Felix: N/Y you hurt your ankle! Also I don't care what they think. Your my best friend and no one will stop me from ever helping you in need.

N/Y: Okay fine I'll get on. Don't drop me!

Felix: I'll never drop you, your way to precious for that. Also your way to stubborn.

N/Y: Well your way to....okay you win for now.

*Back to present*

You giggled as he ran to the car and you both got in the car and drove off to dinner. As you all were eating the CEO made a toast to a collaboration.

CEO: I have a surprise for all of you! Today I will be announcing a new collaboration. N/Y will you be honored to collaborate with Stray kids?

Everyone looked right at you waiting for you to respond to the CEO as he continued to talk.

CEO: Don't answer that now. Take time to think it over. I'll give you a week to think it over. Other than that lets eat shall we!

*After dinner*

I just got home a few minutes ago. I was already about to go to bed after I put some laundry away until my phone went off.

Felix: Are you busy right now?

N/Y: No why what's up?

Felix: Don't answer my question with a question. Anyway is it okay if I come by in a few.

N/Y: Umm sure

After you send that text you heard the door bell go off. Your eyes widen as you set your phone down on the couch an then walked to the front door in confusion.

Felix: You still have that shirt? How cute.

N/Y:Why the heck are you here? You said few minutes not seconds.

Felix: Yea well can I come in?

N/Y: Yea come in. Just sit over there when I go change.

Felix: No I won't bug you long. I just wanted to ask you a question bout earlier.

My face expression changed really quick into a teasing mood. Yea he might be an Idol , but he's still the same weirdo friend I had grow.

N/Y: So why not text me it?

Felix: Well that's because you will probably lie to me about it. So If you lie I'll make sure to get the truth out of you really quick if I was right in front of you.

N/Y: Okay ask away then.

As you both sat down on the couch you wrap a blanket around yourself so he won't see you in your PJ's.

Felix: Why did you chuckle when I said get on my back?

N/Y: Oh hmm I just had a memory. Is that what you came here for? To ask that?

Suddenly he came closer to you leaning over you a bit, giving you a glare, but why does he look kinda sexy.

Felix: No I came here to say how about we go eat some time

N/Y: We go eat out all the time with ....

Before I could finish my sentence his lips where press again mine and his hand was cupping the back of my neck. After a few seconds I pulled back in complete shock

Did my best friend just kissed me?

Felix: Your so gorgeous when you don't know what's going on!

N/Y: Fe...Felix what was that for?

Felix: The members need to know that your mine!

N/Y: Yours? Felix your making no sense right now! Are you still drunk?

Out of no where you felt him fall on top of you making his face fall right into your breast. You lightly gulp and tried to lift him out of your chest until you heard him mumble

Felix: I'm not drunk at all

N/Y: Then why are you acting like this all of a sudden!

Felix: I've always liked you too N/Y!

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