Full of Surprises!

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       Chan just asked you for a kiss out of blue from working hard. What the guys don't know yet is you never had your first kiss yet and you want it to be special not horrible.

     As he pretend to puck up his lips waiting for a kiss my hand quickly formed into a fist, ready to lightly punch him in the arm for asking something like that. Suddenly you heard another deep yet cute voice call him.

Changbin: Chan ready to practice again?

     As you watched them dance you couldn't help but admire how hard they were working. They were putting all of their effort into their dance.

     I suddenly heard a manly deep voice. A voice I could never get tired of hearing it. As I watch them my conscience decided to talk to me. Well more like making me fall in love with these boys. 

N/Y: Ah Felix voice is to die for. Stay say its deeper than the ocean. Their weren't wrong at all its one of the deeps and sexiest voices you could ever listen to..Wait am I falling for my best friend again?

So you began to fell the beat trying to copy their dance moves

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So you began to fell the beat trying to copy their dance moves. Until.....you saw something that made you stop everything you were doing just to stare at how amazing Chan six pack was.  You quickly looked away from how sexually this dance was.

N/Y: Oh my

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N/Y: Oh my.... These boys are trying to kill me with their sexy assets.

I took a sip of water before turning back to watch the rest of the great performance.

      Few seconds later the music stop which made them all fall to the floor. Lying there just panting heavy from dancing, and singing. They couldn't move even an inch because they look like they all fell asleep from practicing 10 hours straight.

N/Y: Geez if I did this I'll probably won't make it 30 minutes, but at least I'm already it shape because their work might be the end of me. Trying it or just watching it.

Suddenly you see them all slowly struggle to get up, trying to get a drink of water. This was the first time you ever saw them stress out and nervous like crazy.

Like seriously they made it this far and now their freaking out. Although they do practice ever day to make sure its perfect. They truly have a huge reputation to hold. Not just for them..but also JYPEntertainment.

Chan: So how you like it? You turned around and almost missed the rest of the performance.

Lee know: Will Stay like this album?

You slightly frowned when you saw the members doubt themselves and their amazing work ethics. With out hesitating you clapped your hands really looked as you cheered them on

N/Y: Yay that was amazing guys! Lets go eat to celebrate! Come on get up! go eat to celebrate! Come on get up!go eat to celebrate! Come on lets go!

As they slowly fought to get up from being sore already you could the opportunity to sneak out of the practice room to call the CEO.

N/Y: They will be there very soon boss

CEO: Ok good. Don't let them think something suspicious or the plan will fail.

N/Y: Yes sir!

*Few minutes later*

After a while I decided to go back into the practice room to see none of the guys there. As you found that kinda creepy you quickly went more into the room you just to see a letter on the speaker box. It was a small blue card while a small bear on it holding a heart. While slowly opening the letter it just said how they left already.

A sigh left your lips as you pull out your phone about to dial the CEO until.. Some one made you jolt and drop your phone on the floor from getting scared.

Felix: Haha got you good!

N/Y: You jerk!

Felix: Damn I miss seeing you get scared from the most simple things.

N/Y: I....i... I hate you so much right now.

Felix: Awie I love you too N/Y. Come on CEO is waiting to surprise you.

N/Y: Surprise me? You talking nonsense now

Felix:.No we all know you , and Mr. CEO has something special for us.

N/Y : Haha you all wish! Lets go.. Ohh and you stand in front of me.

Felix: Your scared I'm gonna scary you again? Okay fine lets go.

As Felix and I walked to the car to go to dinner my pocket started to ring. Felix looked back at you as you quickly picked up the phone out of your pocket to answer the call.

N/Y: Hello this is Kim N/Y speaking. How may I help you?

??: Get here right now before CEO gets to drunk!

N/Y: Okay I'm on my way. See ya in a few.

      Felix walked back to you as he look at the look he knew when you both were little.

Felix: What's up?

N/Y: Let's get going now before we all get in deep shit..

      As you finished your sentence you began to start running until you felt Felix pull you back to him making your face almost inches from his face. All of a sudden my heart stopped as I felt him get closer to my ear.

Felix: Get on now!

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