Second Thoughts

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       N/Y: When you meant proposal what did you exactly mean by that? Cause I don't know how I could help the guys they seem to have everything in place.

CEO: What I meant was to be there song writer, and second dance choreographer

N/Y : But.... they dance wonderful already and I suck really bad at dancing sir and I....

CEO: You don't like the proposal?

N/Y: No that's not it. It's ....I never showed my personally writing to anyone before and I think they might be bad also maybe I could help them with something else by chance. Something I'm good in.

CEO: How about this. Talk to the boys about it and see if they want you on their team. They seemed really psyched about you joining.

N/Y: Really?

CEO: Yep they been begging me to give them the answer of what you chosen, but I didn't know myself.

N/Y: Oh I should tell them huh

CEO: Yep you should maybe at Lee Know party!

N/Y: What!

CEO: Haha you silly girl. Yeah if you aren't scared ask them there opinion or just tell them yes or no.. Easy as that

N/Y:  Ok thank you sir very much.

CEO: It all good! Well I should go I have another meeting to go to so have fun.

N/Y: You too sir.

I slowly walked back to the practice room with my head down trying to figure out what I should say to the guys.. They seem all happy, and good already. Do they really need me?

I finally reach the practice room to see them practicing their dancing making sure it's perfect, but they don't look serious their being there cute, kiddish self..

Well if they bring it up I'll say something, but if not then I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut.

   As you watch them practice and practice until they were tired begging to have some lunch. Suddenly your eyes looked down at your phone which said 12:30 pm already. Which made you yell.

N/Y: Okay lunch break guys!

Jisung: Yes food!!

I.N: Im hungry

Chan: I need more coffee

All the boy were ready to go eat and enjoy some rest time before going back to practicing

The boys where eating while chatting among themselves as you where at the edge of the table writing down and looking at their schedule for the day making you mumble to yourself.. I should be there personal secretary or something more one that line because I don't think I could make these boys better than they already are. Like seriously their perfect already like wow angels from heaven.

    Out of no where you got cut out of your of your own head when they began to call your name over and over again

N/Y: Oh yes?

Han: Your alright?

Felix: Yeah she's fine! She's been like this all day.

Chan: What do you do when she's like that Felix?

Felix: Let her be or get attack

Chan: Attack?

N/Y: Yea what you mean attack Felix?

Felix: Nevermind mate! Let's just eat!

A very faint smile landed on your face making Changbin point it

Changbin: Oh she did a small smile just now

Hyunjin: Really? Yeah she did!

My eyes rolled as I got up to headed outside for a bit to answer a few business calls.

Felix POV*

Is she still gonna be mad at me for such a small thing. She's still so stubborn.

Chan: Felix do you know what's going on with N\Y?

Felix: Oh that I might of piss her off these morning

I.N : Ah so she's gonna say no to the proposal

Felix: What!? What proposal!!?

Han: Wow you okay Felix he's talking about her joining to help us officially.

Changbin: Why is there another proposal?

Felix: No I was just confused

*Back at the company*

Chan: Minho are you free tomorrow?

Minho: Yeah why?

Chan: I got somewhere I want to show you

Minho: Ok. Let's go then

Your eyes began to get heavy from worry and working to much you decided to sit down and write in your notebook. Until you felt some one attack you from behind you laughing into your ear

Chan: Are you gonna come tomorrow N/Y?

N/Y: Umm yeah?

Chan: Ok cool!

*Few hours later*

Finally got home which made
you happy yet sad because you were still gloomy about how today went. Everything was hinting and symbols a good day and all until you just felt like doing was cry and watching a K-drama

Maybe I should just give up and hide away. Hopefully tomorrow is a better day if not then I don't know what to do

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