Dream big!

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                     N/Y. Pov

     You were so excited that finally after 2 years you found your best friend and he is an idol. He told me not to change but he did.. He got more handsome, humble, quicker and successful. I remember us teasing one an other for what we wanted to become, but look at us now..  This has to be a dream....a dream I never want to wake up from.

             *Next morning*

      I couldn't wait until the boys were done with interview so we all could go get something to eat. Although I was in no hurry because seeing them connect with their stay aka fans.. was the cutes thing I ever seen. They all looked so happy as they show their childish selfs. As they were doing that I took the time to do more research on the boys so I wasn't so clueless in front of them that much.

          Suddenly a month or two went by so fast. The boys weren't so awkward and shy around you that much any more as they found out you were best friend with Felix. There was just one thing I was curious about, but they will not answer it for me. The guys decided to help you on your singing and acting skills as you helped their make up and hair dresses to make them look amazing before going on stage.

I.N: N/Y can you come here for a sec please.

N/Y: Ah yes on my way!

   You walked to the other side of the room to see I.N holding up two outfits. Looks like he was struggling with his outfit chose.

N/Y : Were is your dresser designer? Do you need help picking an outfit?

I.N : I don't need help, but thank you. I just remember I was suppose to tell you that the CEO wanted to see you. Like 10 minutes ago.

N/Y : Why didn't you tell me earlier.

     You quickly ran to the CEO offices as quick as you could run in heels. While you made sure to carry all of the paper work you had to give him earlier. A sigh left your mouth as you took a deep breath in before grabbing the door knob to the office door. As I looked up he wasn't sitting as his desk other than one person which was Felix. He was sitting down in front of Jung Wook desk.

N/Y : Felix where is CEO?  

     You began to look around the room as the hair on the back of your neck rised and Felix didn't look at you right away.

Felix: N/Y you here to see CEO too?

N/Y: Ahh yeah but where is he?

Felix: You ask to many questions you know that. Come sit down we'll wait here for him. So why you seeing Mr.CEO?

N/Y: Well I.N said he need to see me a while ago, but forgot to tell me.

Felix: Well that is strange. I.N told you that too?

     You nodded in a reply as you flashed him a confused smile. As you looked at him confused to ask why he thinks that's strange. Out of no where you see him sit up, and reach his hand out towards you.

Felix: Lets get going!

N/Y: I though we were....

Felix: I.N is messing with us. I just remember CEO isn't here on Friday's.

       Suddenly he leaned in, and grab your wrist to drag you with him out of the CEO room as quick as possible. He was walking really fast too which made it hard to keep up with him in heels. We speed walked to the practice room until we almost ran into some one.

Chan: Hey what's the hurry you two? Every one was looking for you both. Come one let's go eat.

     You look to the side of you to see felix having the same piss off face he's always had growing up as he looked back at you to nod his head to go eat dinner.

         At dinner you all where having such a great time. Sharing things think food, jokes, ideas, and anything that made us laugh really.  The boys started to talk more freely around you as they began to tell you the struggles they went threw to becoming an idol. It was so cute when they were talking about their training days and how far they become in such a short amount of time.

      You felt bad for them because they will get so tired, but they will keep moving until the end of the day. I probably was living ever stay dream to hang with these amazing, talent and really hard working young men.

Seungmin: So N/Y who's your favorite out of all of us?

Hyunjin:  Isn't it obvious.. its me of course right N/Y?

Lee know: No we all know it's her best friend.

N/Y: I like all of you all equally I really don't have a favorite. Your all to generous yet stupid.

Han: Well would that make you a crackhead cause you hanging out with us then.

    Everyone began laughing as if it was the funniest thing they ever heard in their lives expect for Chan he was so focus on writing more lyric down for their upcoming album. Such a hard working leader he is.

       *2 days before comeback*

      The boys were breaking themselves from working so hard on their dance moves, but it payed off in the end. They were so hyped to let the next album out, but also nervous of how they did.

       Out of no where you felt to arms wrap around your neck from behind you as you felt heavy breathing down your neck. Making you feel really hot and confused on what to do next as you heard him ask a question.

Chan: Want to come to are next concert? See are work pay off! Fighting!

N/Y : A light giggle left your lips as you quickly reply with " Get your sweaty butt off of me ,and we'll talk."

Chan: Ouch damn rude much. Your not your nice, supporting self.

N/Y: Of course I'll love to come your concert. Why will I not support my boys.

Chan: Haha you know we're all older than you expect for I.N.

N/Y: Yeah...so you all still have baby faces.

     You cup Chan cheeks as you began to tease him about how amazing his face looks. Like serious all of their faces are glowing.

Chan: Maybe I could get a kiss for working hard?

Dreams Come TrueTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon