Meeting Everyone!

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          You both where walking to the company as you slipped, and almost twisted your ankle making you almost fall over onto Chan.

     Lucky he was cool about it, and just laughed until he brought up "I told you so" , but I just took the heels off as if it was nothing, and started to run forward as fast as possibly.

Chan: Hey stay in my lane!

     You looked back in confusion, but then decided to look forward to keep on running to the company.

     After a while, both of you reached the company. Chan began to show you around as he said he will to the CEO yesterday. Finally he showed you the recording room where you were gonna be spending most of your time in.


     He left me in the studio all alone. So I decided to do some vocal warm up to get ready to meet his group which hopefully goes good.

     As I began to think of what he called his band again so I could maybe do some research on them to know more about them before meeting them so I'm not completely clueless.

     I snap out of my thoughts as fast as I can. So it look like I was busy, and not staring out into space. Suddenly from the corner of my eye I see Chan walking into the studio with another very young man. It made you think of that's probably one of his band members.

     He greeted me with a huge smile showing his braces as he kindly introducing himself.

I.N : Hello im Yang Jeong-in, but you could call me I.N so you could remember me better.

          You smiled back from how sweet, nice, also how cute he was. As he finish his introduction you greeted your self back by bowing to show him more respect to thank him for his kindness.

Chan: Ms. N/Y, This is I.N, he is also the same age as you.

I.N: Oh really wow your gonna get along with are other band member perfectly because we're mostly 18 & 19 years old too.

N/Y: You laughed as you continue to tell them how you not quick 18 yet, but you'll try your best. Also are you both the same age?

          Chan laughed as he quickly said No I'm so much more mature than this little one.

          You laughed with them as you all left to go to the practice room. As you where following them to their practice room where all of the other member's where practice all of their different skills.

     As us three where about to walked in the practice room are eyes witness how goofy, and how much fun the rest of the members where having. Well until Chan told them to come to meet me.

     I froze in my stop as I had 6 handsome guys that did not know me looking right at me as if I was still wearing my PJ from thus morning. They all looked really young as well to. I.N was not lying when he said they where mostly 18 & 19. They all speed walk to bow while great themselves to me.

     Chan stoped all of them to make sure they weren't gonna make fools of themselves, as he told them one at a time weirdos. I couldn't help my self from letting out a little giggle. Chan looked at me, then back at all of the boys asking them something.

Chan: Where is felix?

     Your eyes look up right at Chan as if he knew why you really wanted to come back to Busan, and if he knew your best friend was named felix. You mumbled in your head aren't you full of surprises today.

     All of the boys began to look around, but then gave up by saying he was probably in the restroom. Chan started to apologize because he wanted you to meet everyone at once, but it didn't go as he planned.

N/Y: It's fine Chan I'll meet him later I have to meet these 7 sweet boys first.

     Suddenly the boys acted all shy with a hint of cutesy as if I asked them something already.

Chan: Well you all want to introduce yourself or not. ONE AT A TIME! Your all gonna trip each other.

     They began to go down in a line which was so adorable. It felt like a show and tell.

Hello I'm Lee know I'm 20 years old, and it's great to meet you!

Hi I'm Woojin... Hmm I'm 22 years old. I hope we could work together soon.

Hi, yeah hello I'm Han Jisung, but you could call me Han also I'm 18.

     You nodded while continuing to go down the list of these very handsome men.

Yes I am Seungmin , I was born in 2000 so I'm 18 as well.

Hello im Hyunjin. I'm 19 years old.

You giggled at his little yup as you saw more members to go.

Yeah Hi nice to meet you and my name is Changbin. I'm also 19 as well but soon 20 in August.

N/Y: Aw your an August baby how cute.

     You saw him slowly turn red from blushing, and how quick all of the other members where getting jealous.

Woojin: Well that it expect for felix.

N/Y: What I don't know your age.

Woojin: Well are missing member is also 18. So that leaves me to be the second oldest.

N/Y: So your 21. Your all so young, and really great looking. I can't wait to work with all of you.

        All of them suddenly turned away from you as I looked up at Chan as why they turned around.

Chan: Your gonna make these boys blush to death if you keep calling them good looking Ms. N/Y.

     You suddenly covered your face which made them all face you again seeing how embarrassed you where from covering yourself up by saying.

N/Y: Sorry I just wanted a good first expression to everyone because this is all so new to me.

     They all began to aww as if they where watching cute animal videos. Which made you blush a bit your self.

Changbin: So N/Y are taken by any chance?

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