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ryan looked up from his phone in surprise. "oh yeah, of course." he shifted nervously, his eyes flicking between the two of them. kathryn claire offered ryan a reassuring smile, the only thing she could think to do.

chase nodded at ryan, slipping into the booth and kathryn claire doing the same. they sat there in awkward silence for a moment until ryan cleared his throat.

"what brings you guys here? i figured you'd be in chicagoland already." ryan fidgeting his menu as he waited for chase to answer.

chase shrugged. "i owe kathryn claire a cheeseburger because i was a dick to her at the shop today."

ryan cocked an eyebrow, "what?" an amused look crossed his face as he waited for more information.

"she touched my dash." chase muttered, picking at the corner of his napkin. he didn't really want to rehash this but he didn't really have a choice.

"i did not." kathryn claire huffed, her arms crossing over her chest. "i was trying to make sure your dash had power." she shook her head. "i think you owe me dessert now too."

"oh, i like her." ryan chuckled, the words slipping out before he could even consider the consequences of the timing.

chase tensed at ryan's words. a few months ago, that would have made him laugh, followed by a joke. but now, it made the pit of his stomach twist and churn. the thought of ryan and kathryn claire together made him want to hurl. he ripped more of his napkin, shredding it as he struggled to keep himself calm.

"hey," kathryn claire squeezed his hand, grounding him again. "you alright?"

the consequences of ryan's words hit him. "i didn't mean it that way." he muttered, shaking his head. "i fucked up chase. i need you to know that and i need you to know that it'll never happen again." his light eyes stared at his friend, waiting for any indication of forgiveness.

chase nodded slowly, unsure of what to say but ryan continued talking.

"i don't even know what else to say." he sighed. "please tell me how to make this better."

chase sighed, searching for words. he had no idea what to say to ryan. "honestly, just time, i guess." he shrugged. "it'll take time to rebuild trust."

ryan nodded slowly. "right. i can give you time."

an awkward silence settled over the three of them, nobody really sure how to move on from that conversation.

chase felt like a twenty-pound weight had been lifted off his chest but he had no idea what would happen after this, if they would ever be able to restore their once great friendship. he wasn't sure that he would ever be able to trust him again but their friendship had been everything to him at one point and he wasn't sure that he could just let that go, at least not that easily.

for the first time since chase found out what had happened between them, ryan felt like he could catch his breath. he had no idea if chase would ever trust him again but he desperately hoped that eventually chase would. he knew he needed to be a better man — the one chase had thought of him to be before this all had happened. 

kathryn claire glanced between the two men, unsure of what was going to happen next. she was surprised when chase had decided to sit with ryan. she wasn't sure what was going to happen next but she hoped that eventually, things would go back to the way things had been between chase and ryan before she had known him. 

to their collective relief, sue ann came to take their orders.

"i'm real glad to see you both together again, we were all worried that you two had had a falling out." sue ann chirped, oblivious to the tension between chase and ryan.

"just busy." chase replied, quickly changing the subject, "i'll have my usual."

"so will i," ryan agreed, handing her his menu. "not sure why you even give us these anymore."

sue ann smiled down on the boys, "and for you?" she looked at kathryn claire expectantly. 

"i'll have what chase is having," she answered, handing sue ann her menu too. 

"alright." sue ann smile never faded. "i'll have that right out for you." 

a silence settled back over the table as they all watched her walk towards the back.

"so," ryan broke the silence. "how did you two meet?"

the two glanced at each other before laughing, a confused look crossing ryan's face. they hadn't discussed what they'd say if they were ever asked how they met, the question catching them completely off guard. 

"that's quite a story." chase finally answered in between laughs before relaying the story to ryan.

kathryn claire couldn't help but smile at the two friends talking animatedly to one another. 


Not Alone Any More {Chase Elliott || Sequel to Only the Lonely} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now