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"and the home of the brave!" the anthem singer finished, the crowd applauding.

kathryn claire squeezed chase's side gently, looking up at him. "good luck. you've got the pole and the car to beat today. don't beat yourself."

chase leaned down, brushing his lips against hers. "i think i can manage that."

kathryn claire gave chase a crooked smile, "i'll see you in victory lane, okay?"

"sounds like a plan. i love you." he squeezed her hand. he had a good feeling about today. he rarely got feelings like this, but when he did things either went really right or really wrong. chase was opting to ignore the chance of something going really wrong and focused on making sure everything that could go right, would go right.

"i love you too." with a wave, kathryn claire headed towards his pit box.

chase turned, pulling his helmet on and climbing into the car. it felt like so long ago that chase had nearly died when in reality it was only a week. so much had changed in such a short amount of time and chase knew that he was a better man for it.

and now, he was ready for a little redemption, for the storyline to be about his resilience. part of him wished that everybody could know everything that had happened -- from his relationship turned into turmoil to his anxieties behind the wheel. maybe one day he'd tell his stories but now? now he was focused on one thing.

"alright man," alan put up the window net. "you know what to do. let's have a good day."

chase nodded as he flipped his visor down, waiting for the command to fire engines.

he was ready to win.


"alright buddy, this race is yours to win but it's also yours to lose." chase's spotter buzzed in his ear. "you've had a hell of a race. two to go at the line. let's close this thing out, man."

"10-4." chase tightened his grip on the wheel. confidence surged through him as his car headed towards the start/finish line.

he had had a strong race, leading the majority of it. a late caution had forced them into overtime. just one restart and two laps stood between him and victory lane. he could do this.

the checkered flag waved and chase opened the throttle, getting a good jump. his car surged forward into turn one. chase glanced up to his rearview mirror, the cars getting smaller as he drove away.

he tried to contain his giddiness and focus on hitting his marks.

"alright buddy, last corner." his spotter sang through the radio. "hell yeah baby, that's how you make a comeback."

"hell yeah!" chase whooped over the radio. "thank y'all for this car, it was a dream. thank you for everything."

"burn it down, chase." alan came over the radio. "hell of a weekend, man."

chase's stomach tightened a little bit as he started his burnout. he inhaled the smoke from his tires, rewiring his brain to associate the smell of smoke with victory -- not what he had assumed to be certain death. 

once chase was satisfied, he pulled his car a stop, unbuckling himself and climbing out. he tossed his helmet into his car, the crowd roaring as he lifted his hand up.

"chase elliott is your race winner!" the reporter told the crowd. "chase, what a comeback. can you try and put this into words?"

chase tugged a hand through his sweaty mop of curls. "i thought that i was going to die last weekend and it's a miracle and a testament to the safety technology and the amazing first responders that i didn't. to be here, and win this race, it doesn't get much more storybook than this."

"a storybook finish for chase elliott and the number nine team." the reporter agreed. "chase elliott, your race winner, everybody!"

chase gave the crowd another wave, eager to get to victory lane where kathryn claire was waiting for him. he climbed back into his car, making the quick drive to victory lane.

chase was greeted by a shower when he climbed out of his car. he raised his hands above his head, a huge grin on his face. chase scanned the crowd until his eyes met kathryn claire's. he hopped down, making his way to her.

"i told you i'd meet you in victory lane," she smirked. chase didn't say anything, pulling her into a kiss.

it couldn't get any better than this.


we're wrapping chase and kathryn claire's story up on thursday! check out my one shot book for a preview of my next story!

Not Alone Any More {Chase Elliott || Sequel to Only the Lonely} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now