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chase pressed his hot cheek against the cool leather of his sofa. somehow he had managed to pick himself up off the ground and transfer his pity party to the sofa -- comfort was key. he let out a small sigh as he stared at the wall.

he had no idea what to do. maybe he should have run after her but he had a feeling that would've made it worse. part of him wanted to drink, to try and take the edge of the anguish he was feeling but he knew that if he had alcohol on his breath when kathryn claire returned, it would be game over.

he was sure she'd return though, she'd have to. even if it was to get the duffel bag that sat in a corner of his bedroom, their bedroom. so chase was confident that he'd get at least one more chance to plead his case. he'd get on his knees and beg if that was what it took. chase's pain had started to morph into a sheer determination -- this was not the end of them. they had come much too far and he refused to let alicia ruin the one thing about his life that got him out of bed every morning.

he had no idea what he'd say to her. maybe he'd tell her about the first time he had laid eyes on her in that diner. he had noticed her from the moment that she had walked up to their table -- she was angelic with a little bit of a bite. he hadn't even considered the possibility that of all places ryan would take him, it would've been her diner. when she spoke, he had recognized her voice. how could he have missed it? he had memorized that sweet sound through all of their phone conversations.

chase had never believed in love at first sight and he could probably could argue that technically he had already started to fall in love with her before he had even laid eyes on her. but when he first laid eyes on her, he was a goner. he knew without a doubt that he'd do anything and everything to make her happy.

chase let out a little sigh. maybe if he had told kathryn claire all of this, he wouldn't be in this position. but he tried to shake that thought off and instead focus on the game plan he was forming in his head.

chase couldn't help but chuckle a little as he remembered the look on her face when she realized that it had been him that she had been talking to. he had been so scared that she would never forgive him for concealing his identity but by some miracle, he had been able to convince her that he was still the same man she had been talking to, the one that she had gotten to know. it had been a long shot, a risk but chase knew that even if things ended tonight, he would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

their love was a once in a lifetime type of deal. and while chase was terrified that he had squandered it, he knew kathryn claire loved him. this wasn't over, he was going to win her back, no matter how long it took.

he had been scared when she had asked him to commit and he regretted feeling that way and not saying anything to her. but those feelings had passed. instead, those feelings had been replaced by the determination that he felt coursing through his veins now. he loved her, damn it, and he knew he had one last chance to tell her that. to really make her understand that what had happened between him and alicia wasn't what she thought happened. that he loved her and he always would.

chase's stomach tightened a little bit as he heard the keypad beeping.

this was it.

Not Alone Any More {Chase Elliott || Sequel to Only the Lonely} ✔️Where stories live. Discover now