Chapter 1 (revised ish ion know)

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Harry's POV
I walk to the platform and sigh as I see the train I try to keep myself together but it doesn't help it just reminds me of them to much I rush onto the train I walk but I see people chatting with friends which makes me tear up I go to the last compartment. As I sit down I suddenly just break down on the seat I cry and cry before I know it I'm sobbing . Every time I shut my eyes it repeats over and over again the crash and my friends last breaths .

- [x] Me Ron and Hermione are walking towards inside when I stop to tell them something "Hey Ron Hermione can I tell you something", "Yeah Harry you can but we need to catch up with everyone else", Hermione says back to me . "Yeah I know but it's really Important ", I say back to her "ok fine mate you can tell us", Ron says before Hermione can respond. "Ok so y'all know I'm gay right", I say kinda nervous.

"Yes Harry we know now get to the point", Hermione tells me . "Ok well I found a boyfriend we have been dating for about-a year or so and I'd like you to meet him",. "Oh ok mate so who is it", Ron asks me with a questioning look . "Well it's kinda like Malfoy", I say looking at myfeet . "MALFOY ?", Ron and Hermione both shout st me in a shocked voice .

"Yep so just deal with it", I say in a annoyed tone . "No we are not going to just deal with it and guess what we don't approve so you guys need to break up now",Hermione  saysto me . "NO ",I shout at the two shooting a spell at Ron to make him fall over but I miss and it hits a Wall next to them .

I walk away but turn away when I hear a crash . I turn around in pure horror when I see the wall is on top of Ron and Hermione I rush over to Ron freaking out I check for a pulse.

i don't find one

I started to tear up. I Harry James potter killed my Bestfriend.
"No No you can't do this to me Ron please wake up mate I'm so sorry please just please wake up",. I then rush over to Hermione begging she's still alive when she is.

I see a piece of the wall in her stomach. "Hermione it's ok you'll be fine I promise come on I just need to get this out", I try but that brings Hermione in even more pain . I call for help but about the time Someone comes to help she's already dead .

"No no I'm so sorry please wake up", I said as I sobbed onto Hermione's bloody chest "I'm so sorry it's all my fault ,it should have been me",

(Flashback over )
"I'm so sorry it's all my fault",I unintentionally kept saying over and over again while sobbing all I hear is the crash of the wall and Hermione's last breath I don't even hear someone enter the compartment.

Draco's POV

I walk to the platform bye myself cause mother and father are in Azkaban . I get on the train right before it leaves I walk down every compartment but don't find Harry .I go to the very back one and wonder why Harry ,Granger ,and Weasley would sit in the back.

I open the door and don't see Weasley or Granger in there just Harry . When I get in there the smile that I had on my face soon fades when I see my baby crying mumbling something to himself. I rush over to him pulling him onto my lap.

"Baby what's wrong and where are Granger and Weasley at ?",. I can know hear what he's saying now he's saying "I'm so sorry it's all my fault",. I look at him with confusion. "Harry baby what's all your fault , I bet it's not even your fault",I pull his chin up with my thumb to see his eyes puffy and red from crying.

He then told me about how Granger and Weasley died i never really liked them but they didn't deserve to die . I try to comfort Harry but he won't stop crying and blaming himself. I rock him to sleep with soothing words and he finally falls asleep I can tell he hasn't slept well since the war or eaten properly.

( Time skip )

Harry's POV
Draco then wakes me up and I was surprised that I didn't have any nightmares I guess if I'm in his arms I'm safe . We walk to the Great Hall hand in hand we stop when we hear that 8th years are going to be resorted . Draco looks over to me to see that I'm crying he asks why but I can't respond at all he goes to hug me while I sob into his chest .

"W-we were sup-posed  ( ion know if that's how you spell that word) We stand in line waiting for our names to be called still hand in hand Professor McGonagall shouts out names.

"Parkinson , PANSY"
Pansy walks onto the stool and the hat is placed on her head when the sorting hat almost immediately shouts.


McGonagall shouts out different names before I know it it's almost my turn When it's almost my turn I let go of Draco's hand while my sleeve pulls up a little bit where I think he saw one of my cuts "Crap", I mutter to myself I forgot to put a glamour on that . My name is called so I sit down on the stool when the the Sorting Hat shouts


I step off with a sad smile and sit on the bench waiting for Draco I hear Draco's name get called then I see him walk over to me he comes over and hugs me . The feast begins but I don't want to eat so I just stare at my plater  "Harry you need to eat", Draco says to me  I respond with a "I'm not hungry". I hear him say "Whatever" and continue eating I sigh in relief that he didn't ask about my wrist .

Draco POV
After we eat I drag Harry to my private room he stares at it in awe I sit on the bed and ask him something that was bothering me "Hey Harry earlier I think I saw something on your wrist can I see it or was I just imagining things",.

"Wait a minute I need to use the loo", he goes in and once he comes out I can feel some kind of magic in the air kinda how it was on the train . "Ok sure", Harry says to me as he shows me his wrist I don't see anything "Oh ok must have just been the light", . Harry then lays down on the bed so I go to the bed to and he lays his head on my chest we then fall asleep like that .

Thanks guys for reading sorry for such a short chapter and please in the comments please put if you think I switched the POV too much thanks byeeeee.

Ok so I decided that I am going to go and revise I guess all the other chapters and that other author note was the one I wrote last year anywho thanks for reading peace

Word count : 1,251 words

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