chapter 5

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ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee guess who's not dead anyway i am literally so sorry for not updating im just been so busy with school but i really hope you like the chapter and anyway enjoy.

Draco Malfoy walked into the door of the Hospital Wing,following Madam Pomprehy he looked all around the beds but didn't see Harry. "Sorry to be rude but where is Harry at.",Draco said to Madam Pomprehy. She didn't respond she just kept walking Draco followed her. And then she stopped at a door she unlocked the door with a wave of her wand. The door opened to reveal a private hospital room and in the bed was Harry sleeping. Draco ran over to Harry's bedside "Harry it's me Draco are you awake", Draco said to Harry. "I gave him a sleep potion and yes it is safe for the baby", Madam Pomprehy,says. "He's doing alright the hit to the head just knocked him out so he will be asleep for a couple of hours.",she says to Draco. Draco nods his head and sits there next to Harry. A few minutes later Draco hears a knock on the door to see Pansy peak her head in the door. "Is everything ok",Pansy asks.Pansy walks into the private hospital room to sit on the bed. "He's doing good",Draco responds.its been a few hours and Pansy had to get to class Draco had fell asleep with his head on a chair. Harry shifted he groaned as he opened his eyes"ahh what happened",he groaned he looked around and saw Draco and then remembered he started to wonder "why did Draco hit me", "I thought he loved me",Harry started panicking while awful thoughts spread through his mind,and then Draco shifted and sat up his eyes opened and he saw Harry he jumped up accidentally scaring Harry. Harry screamed Draco stopped and realized he scared Harry "shh shh shh", Draco said. Harry was crying and it was his fault "hey,hey why are you crying?',Draco asked he didn't think jumping up was that scary. "W-w-why did you hit me",Harry stutters."Harry well umm some time ago someone took a poly juice potion and did that to you i was locked in a closet", Draco stated. "Oh",Harry responded, and then Draco remembered the baby he needed to tell Harry about the baby. "Harry I have some exciting news for you",Draco said. Harry's head popped up Harry knew he needed good news right now."you're pregnant",said Draco. The words hit Harry and a big smile was on his face he nearly screeched "wErE HaViNg A bAbY",Harry screamed he jumped up and started dancing. Draco was just dying of laughter he couldn't stop Harry he was just to happy.The door opened to reveal Madam Pomprehy shocked to see Harry up and dancing. Harry locked eyes with her and stopped dancing and sat down clearly embarrassed. "Well Mr.Potter I see you're awake now",she said.Harry sat there and remembered something and went completely pale. Draco noticed,and Madam Pomprehy noticed too. "Harry are you alright",Draco asked.Madam Pomprehy gave a concerning look at Harry. What Harry spoke was almost a whisper but Madam Pomprehy and Draco still heard. "I-I-i trie-d t-to kill m-m-myself last night",Harry studdered.Draco and Madam Pomphrey showed a shocked expression.before anyone could speak Harry spoke again "I could've hurt the baby I'm so sorry Draco I didn't know". "Harry I thought you had stopped",Draco said. "I did but yesterday was the first day I went to where they died and i saw their memorial it was devastating," Harry said on the verge of tears.Draco knew who "they",was Draco knew he was talking about Ron and Hermione.Madam Pomprehy joined in "So has this been going on for awhile?",Madam Pomprehy asked.That question brought Harry to tears he sobbed into Draco's shoulder.Draco answered the question himself. "It has",saying those words almost made Draco himself cry. "Well we do have a councler  here you can talk to.Harry lifted up his head and said "It would be nice to talk to someone",Harry had said as he wiped  his tears away and sat up straight. "Alright I can schedule her to meet with you.Harrys started to smile cause he knew he wouldn't be comfortable being alone with a man after what happened with Goyle. "Well now that you're awake we can discuss your heath,so your ok just tell me if a bruise forms and if it does just use this spell "sanitatem cicatrix",Madam Pomprehy said as she waves her wand. "Ok that sounds simple",Draco says. "You may leave now if you want.", Madam Pomprehy says. "Oh good finally", Harry says as he gets up.(here comes protective Draco), "Woah Woah what do you think your doing,you just got knocked out and now your pregnant hold up",Draco says as he jumps up.Harry laughs "Draco baby I've been pregnant for 4 weeks I think I can walk.Still not listening runs up to Harry and picks him up bridal style. Harry shrieks "Draco put me down!",Harry screams. Draco walks out the private room door through the main door and into the hallway,still Carrying Harry they had got to the door of Draco's private room  then Draco put Harry down and opens the door.Harry laughs and walks through the door he plops down in the couch and touches his stomach. "Hi baby I think you're gonna be girl I'm gonna name you Lily",Harry says as he rubs his stomach. Draco comes by and sits next to Harry and kisses him. "How are you so sure it's a girl?",Draco asks. "I just know",Harry responds. "What do you think it is Dray", Harry asked. "I think it's a boy us Malfoy's always produce Men.",Draco says as he does the famous Draco Malfoy smirk",Harry picks up a pillow and playfully throws a pillow at Draco's face. There's a knock on the door.Harry gets up and walks to the door Draco looks like he's about to protest about the fact that Harry got up but just stays on the couch.Harrh opens the door to it to reveal Pansy and
Blaise. "We heard you were released",Pansy said.

And that's the end of that chapter I just want to thank everyone who has read my book I know I'm taking forever but chapter 6 should be soon and I would love some opinions about my book so peace bye

Word count :1101

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