Chapter 8

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3rd person POV

Harry woke up a little bit earlier than usual today. He had decided the night before he was going to the Hospital Wing.

Something doesn't seem right

"Draco wake up", Harry said as he shook his sleeping boyfriend. Draco of course didn't wake up, Harry rolled his eyes.

"Fine then I'll just go myself", Harry said to himself. The pregnant male started to walk out but then his stomach growled. ( I think that's how you spell it )

"Fine then baby, let's grab a snack real quick", He said to himself as he grabbed a bag of chips and then he headed to the hospital wing.


He soon arrived at the hospital wing entering the big doors that lead to the place where he would get at least one answer.

"Madam Pomphry?", Harry asked as he peaked his head into the large wing. "Yes Mr.Potter, what can I do to help you is there something wrong with the baby", The schools (forgot what she is 😐)

"Well... I don't exactly know", the chosen one said awkwardly. "Ok then what seems to be the problem?", Madam pomphry said.

"Well like my stomach is large like it seems like I'm way far along but I'm really not", He said.

"Oh I'm sorry dear I forgot to inform you and the father of your child that since. You are male and a wizard the pregnancy is a lot quicker than normal births.",

"So does that mean that I'll give birth while I'm here at hogwarts?", Harry asked as he sat down.

"Well the duration is normally either between 4-6 months just depends on the baby or your blood, we don't normally have male pregnancies, or even normal pregnancies.

"Oh wow", that's really all Harry could say. "Here's the title of the book that has all the facts and maybe even answers that you might have on wizard pregnancies.

"Thank you madam pomphry", Harry said as he got up with a little bit of a struggle.

The green eyed male walked out of the hospital wing while he talked to himself.

I wonder what gender your gonna be
I should probably think of a good name
Maybe I could name you after Ron if your a boy
Or if your a girl I could name you after Mione.

Harry has been so caught up in his thoughts that he had stumbled at the memorial for Ron and Hermione.

I'm so sorry you guys that I haven't visited you two yet or brought anything, Let me just get some flowers.

Harry pulled out his wand ( my dumbass totally forgot about the fact that this is a Harry Potter fanfic) and started to cast a spell.

"Acio Roses", It took them a second but they ended up right into Harry's hands.

He smelt the flowers letting the sweet scent go through his nostrils. The pregnant male sat down the flowers right next to a picture of Hermione and Ron in 3rd year.


Harry had finished visiting the memorial after being there for a few hours, when he smelt some really good lasagna being made.

The pregnant black haired male followed the sent till it led him to the entrance to the big kitchen.

( sorry I forgot what the kitchen that the house elf's work in are called it's been like 3 Years since I read a Harry Potter book)


Ok and umm thank you soooooooooooo much for 14k reads I literally can't believe that anyone would want to watch this and I still am in the process of like revising the first few chapters I know this was short but I hoped you enjoyed

Byrreeeeeeee 🐳

I'll always love you Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora