Chapter 11

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Let it hurt
until it can't
hurt anymore

-Liam Ryan


"Bring the reports as well as the prescriptions up. I'll have them briefed, sighed and sent by Monday. Thank you Julia." I instruct through the phone before I hang up.

I place the phone down and rest back on my chair before I close my eyes for a little while to rest; it has been a very busy day and it just doesn't stop. My feet were aching as well as my temples. I was in dire need of a masseuse so they can work their magic on me.

My eyes were ladened with fatigue, however they sprung open the minute that door was pushed open. I blink a couple of times to see a man striding in to my office, so I snap my brow into a furrow and realised who the man was as he got closer. It was Stephan.

"Stephan?" I hadn't seen him in weeks but it felt like more than that. I rest myself back on my chair and continue to look up at him as he leaned on my table just two feet away.

"What?" He threw his hands in the air, "We haven't seen each other in weeks and all you've got to say is my name?" He said in a tone of disbelief. I began to recline from my seat and shake my head continuously to stop him from misunderstanding. I reach him as he wasn't very far and eventually grab hold of him.

Once I did, he reciprocated as he too grabbed my arms while he parted his legs and position me between his legs. Right now, I was between him while leaning my whole body on his chest. He engulfed me into a huge embrace and kissed my head as his embrace grew tighter. I shuffle in his locked arms before I slowly pull away and look up at him.

"Stephan, I'm sorry..." I sigh,

"What're you sorry for Lana?" He asked,

"For avoiding you."

"That was a joke." He chuckled,

"I know."

I placed my hand on his cheek to caress it slowly and carefully as I admire him. The pit of my stomach was aching with the muscles that was expanding as my breathing was shallow. My heart soared at the way he was just gazing at me and I just felt my body move closer to him. I caress his lips with my thumb as I lick my lips and press my body onto his. I lean forward and close the gap between us, capturing his lips with mine. Stephan kisses me back but only for a few seconds before he moved back, pulling himself away from me.

"Lana... what...happe.." he muttered between the kiss as I attacked his lips with mine. I felt his grip firm on my arm as he began to push me off him. I try to grab him to gain access but he eventually pushed me away. "Jesus, Lana! What is the matter?!"

"Why don't you just kiss me Stephan?!" I glare at him, I grab his collar and pull him closer to me, enjoying the aftershave cologne he always wore, into my lungs. "Just kiss me Stephan!"

"Lana." He called out my name with a stern voice. He grabbed my hands that were clawing him and held it as he locked gazes with me. "What. Is. The. Matter?" He growled,

I release from him once I began to realise what I was doing. I stepped away from him, absolutely astonished and was perturbed, at the way I was behaving towards him. It was absolutely unacceptable. I was actually sheepish by my own actions and it totally took me to a different state of mind. I look at Stephan, clearly embarrassed before I walk away from him around my desk and shove myself back in my chair.

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