Greenie became a runner

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Your POV
-time skip- *after the meal*
"Did you saw the grievers?" Newt asked,"Thomas didn't just see,he killed it"Minho reply,"Wait,does it mean that the griever is died? Like not moving anymore?"Newt asked again,"Yeah,I saw it,it was crushed by the closing door,I checked on it before I go" I said,"Wait a second,I remember that no one has been killed a griever before,how can you do that?" Newt said,"Idk,when I saw it three meters away from me,I have feel a feeling like 'this nasty thing have to be crushed into pancakes',so I just yelled at it,for it to rush to my way,then I just ran as fast as I can before the door's completely close,I really don't think it's really gonna work though"Thomas explained,"Well,that's nuts" Newt says,after that little talk,suddenly Thomas went to a way where the maze door is,Minho tried to stop him,"Wait,Thomas where are you going?" Minho said,"back into the maze" Thomas said,"What?We just made out of the maze alive! Why do you want to go back in there again??? What is your problem?A death wish? Are you crazy???" I said,"No,you don't know that,maybe there's something in that grievers body,maybe it's a clue to get the shank outta here!" Thomas said,"Alright,I'll get the other runners,meet me at the house in the forest" Minho said before going to the way where the runners are,"Well,good luck on searching the clue of getting out of here then" I said,"Wait,Y/N,you're not coming with us?" Thomas asked,"I think I have to keep on help Newt with the garden,I don't want any more troubles on me and Newt" I said,"Okay then" he said before running into the forest...
-time skip- *ten minutes later*
It's been ten minutes of Thomas,Minho and the other runners in the forest,they hasn't come out yet,then I saw Thomas and the others ran out of the forest,I guess they are ready for the searching trip,they went straight right in the maze,I hope they will find something in that griever's body...
-time skip- *Thirty minutes later*
The time is getting late,the door's about to close,maybe half an hour later,it will start closing,I really thought about what if they can't make their way back in time,if they really can't,I wish they can go back there tomorrow,suddenly Gally gathered us to talk about we ran into the maze yesterday,"Everyone,please be quiet alright?" Gally said,then there's a silence in here,suddenly Thomas,Minho and the others came back from the maze,then Thomas have to sit next to me,"Alright,yesterday these two shanks*pointing at me and Thomas*ran into the maze with no words,and it's against the rules,I decided to put them in the slammer for a month with no food" he said,after his speech all the gladers are talk to each other,"I don't think it's possible"Newt suddenly said,"What? They broke the rules!" Gally said to Newt,"But they saved Alby's life" Newt said,"Minho,you're the one in the maze with them,what do you think?" Gally asked Minho,"After all those things happened,and no one has been killed a griever before,and no one survives a night in the maze,so I think Thomas should be a runner" Minho said, "Look,if you guys want to make a paradise of this greenie,that's fine,go for it"Gally pissed and says,"Newt,we found something in the griever's body"Minho said giving that thing to Newt,"it looks like we've found a clue for our way out" Thomas said, "Newt,you see what they're trying to do right?" Gally said,"Yes,they broke the rules,one night in the slammer with no food"Newt said,"Wait,one night? Come on Newt, they're against the rules!Shouldn't we stop him from going into the maze?" after he said that I got a bit angry about it,"No,of course not" Newt said, "But Newt-"Newt interrupted Gally and says,"Starting from tomorrow,Thomas,you're a runner" Newt said,Gally sighed then left the council hall,"Newt,Thank you..." Thomas says before leaving the council hall...

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