When will he comes back?

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Your POV
"The dishes are all done,let's go sleep!" I says pushing her into her room,then I shut the door before walking off to my own room,I sighed after I closed the door,"It's hard to fall asleep without you..." I says under my breath,then I let myself fall on the bed,"I do believe you will come back...but it's hard believe that you aren't by my side...it really feels like we're separated from heaven to the ground,I would like to have another dream about you..." I says before drifting off to sleep...
I realized that I'm back at The Last City again,"I'm back!" I says to myself,I walked out of the station and see the helicopter is outside,I walk into it and see the papers,all the instructions that I wrote,I walked back into the station and see Newt is moving,I walk towards him,"Newt!!!!" I says,but he didn't response,his eyes is moving,he look at his hands for a minute and slowly gets up,I try to touch him,but my hand just gone through his body,"Newt...?" I says,but look like he doesn't hear me,"Newt...????" I says again,try to have his attention,but he still didn't response,looks like he can't see me,can't hear me either...what...? I can't...Newt!!!!
-dream end-
I woke up with my right hand in the air,then I put it down and walks out of my room then starts to work...why can't you hear me...???
*time skip*
Suddenly a girl walks towards me and slaps me across the face,I looks at her carefully,then realize it's Chloe,"Chloe? You're alive?" I asks,"I just arrived here,I didn't die because an army picked me up and saved me,and they bring me here,I asked them where's Newt,they all said he died! Why!!! Why aren't you there to protect him!!! Why!!!" She says slapping my face again,"Y/N!!!" Minho shouted running towards me,"STOP!" I shouted at him,"But-" Chloe's slap cuts him off,"DON'T FOCUS ON ANYONE!!! ANSWER ME!!! WHY AREN'T YOU THERE!!!" She shouted,"Because I ran to grab the cure for him..." I says,"ARE YOU THE ONLY ONE TO GRAB THE CURE!!!" She asks,"No..." I says,she slaps me again,"THEN WHY DON'T YOU STAY THERE AND TAKE CARE OF HIM!!!!" She asks again,"Because I think I should bring him the cure myself..." I says,"BUT YOU CAN'T!!! WHY!!! DID HE LEFT ANYTHING!!!!" She asks,"DON'T TELL HER Y/N!!!" Thomas shouted,"THEN HE DID!!! WHERE THE HELL IS IT!!!" She asks,I smirks,"In the sea,bitch" I says...
Thomas' POV
"In the sea,bitch" y/n says,"WHAT??? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY???" Chloe got angry,"I.SAID.IN.THE.SEA.BITCH!!!" She shouted and slaps Chole back,"Y/N!!!" I shouted,then she looks at me,I could see her eyes color changed...it's (any color you want,but needs to be different from your own eye color),and the way she talks...she's not the y/n we know..."Y/n,huh? Well,my name isn't y/n,but this body really is y/n...but my name is y/n/n,the closest friend to y/n" she smirks,oh no...the evil side of y/n shit,she got split personality,"Uh...y/n/n,where's y/n?" I asks,"Oh y/n? She's still inside,she told me to take care of this bitch before I wake her up again" she explained,then Chloe screamed and runs away from y/n/n,"Uh...now Chloe is gone,can you let y/n out now?" I asks,"What are you talking about Thomas?" She asks,then I looks at her eyes,they're normal now,"Y/n...can I ask you a question?" I asks,"Yeah?" She says,"Do you have a friend? Like...inside of you?" I asks,"Uh...yeah..." She says,"What's her name then?" I asks,"I don't know...y/n/n?" She says,"You really have split personality..." I says under my breath,"Huh? Split personality???" She asks,"Yeah...you have split personality...you need pills to hold it down" I says,"No!!! She's my friend! She did many things for me! And she agrees with me about everything!" She says,I sigh,"Just don't let her gone insane okay? You know...it might turn into a crazy women..." I says,"Oh yeah,I will be careful about it" she says,"And there's a way to see you're y/n/n or you,because your eye color will change,so I could easily see who is who" I says,"Oh,I understand now" I says,"Alright,I'll keep an eye on you for Newt from now on" he says,"Oh thanks,just get back to work man" I giggles,"Haha,you're not my leader you know?" He says,"I know,but as a second-in-command's assistant,I need to keep an eye on those person who doesn't work for the second-in-command until he comes back" I says,"Wow,then when will he comes back?" He asks...

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