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Thomas' POV
We got out of the station,stayed out of the guards who needs to check peoples bodies,and we got up to flat place where we could see the whole city clear,"This is a long way from the glade..." Newt says,"Yeah,we better get off the streets,and I know it's hard,but act like you've seen it before" Gally says,then we followed Gally to hide behind the walls,because there's some cars driving around the streets,looks like WICKED's security,we ran towards the other side and another car crossed the road again,"They've definitely upped security,I'm guessing you shanks have something to do with that" Gally says,"Alright,let's get outta here!" He says before running off,we all followed him to a massive wall,"Newt,you're up" Gally says,then Newt go up on the wall with Gally's help,"I got it" I says getting up on the wall by myself,then we're up high on a floor where's a bit secret,but I heard some walkie-talkies up there,above us,so I don't really think where we're heading is safe,we went up another stairs and Gally started talking,"There it is,if WICKED's got Minho,that's where they're keeping him,but Y/N...I don't know where's Y/N,but...Teresa probably is with her" Gally says,then Gally take out a telescope and sat it on the fence,"Lawrence has been trying to find a way in for years" Gally says looking at the tower with the telescope,"Place is crawling with soldiers,they got surveillance everywhere,scanners on every floor" Gally added,"Looks like a bloody fortress" Newt says,"I thought you said you had a way in" I says,"I might" Gally says,"You might? What the hell do you mean 'might'?" I says,"Take a look" he says,then I get close and look at the tower with the telescope,I saw a man is doing things,and I move a bit to the right,and the office next to man,is Teresa...and...Y/N??? "Y/N???" I says,"Wait! You saw Y/N???" Newt says,"Let me take a look!" He says,then he looks at the tower,he smiled,it's been a long time we haven't seen a happy Newt,"I'm glad she's okay...but...why's she with Teresa?" He asked,"I don't know,I'm surprised not because I saw Y/N,it's because she's with Teresa,and you could see that she's talking very happy with Teresa" I says,"Yeah,I could tell" he says never leaves the telescope,I looked at Gally,"I said I had a way in,but I didn't say you were gonna like it" he says,then we went back to our private place and plan how to get in,"No,there's gonna be another way" I says,"Like what? You've seem the building,she's our only way in" Gally says,"You really think she's gonna help us?" I says,"I don't plan on asking her permission" Gally says...
Newt's POV
Why Y/N's with Teresa? Why? Did she forgot that the girl beside her is a betrayer?? She'll be hurt or something! What will Teresa do to Y/N? What did Teresa do to Y/N? Y/N is like trusting her so much right now!!! "Am I missing something here? This is the same girl who betrayed us,correct? Same dick?" Brenda speaks up,"I like her" Gally says,"What's going on?" Brenda asked,"What,are you afraid your little girlfriend's gonna get hurt?" I says,"Because this has obviously never been just about rescuing Minho and Y/N,has it?" I says,"Wait,what are you talking about?" Thomas says,"Teresa! She's the only reason that Minho's even missing in the first place,and now we finally have an opportunity to get him back and what? You don't want to because,of her?" I says getting pissed,"Because deep down inside you still care about her,don't you?" I says half whispered,"Just admit it..." I says,"Newt,I-" I cut him off,"DON'T LIE TO ME!!!! DON'T.LIE.TO.ME!!!" I shouted at him,then I realized that I gone crazy,shit...then I slowly let go of his shirt,"Sorry..." I says to Thomas,"I'm sorry..." I says turning around to everyone,then I walked away to the terrace,sitting down and calm myself down...what the hell is wrong with me? Then I left my shirt of my right hand,and see huge and dark colored veins is growing on my hand,shit...I got must be happened when we crashed in the tunnel,that tunnel full of cranks,all those virus are all over the place,plus,my hand got injured after we crushed,the virus must be gone into my blood after I got injured,how do I explain to Y/N? She'll be so worried about me,I don't want her to be worried...

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