To rise above monsters we must abandon our humanity

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Izuku Midoriya's POV

After what happened to Mr. Aizawa everyone was on high alert. We knew All for one was coming back we just did'nt know when, so we've had as many top heroes as possible guard the facility we're in. All might agreed to take the class, but only to check on him to see how he's doing.

"I'm glad All might is letting us see mr Aizawa." Uraraka says joyfully.

"Agreed, we should thank him for his kindness the next time we see him." Ida exclaims with his arms bent 90 degrees.

We eventually arrived at his room were the rest of class had been waiting.

"You guys took forever, what's the deal?" Mina asks to loud for my comfort.

"We decided to get a get well gift for Mr. Aizawa in hopes to lift his spirits" Ida responds.

"Yeah, see? We got him some flowers"
I decide to show them the flowers we got him.

We enter, Mr. Aizawa is sitting up from his bed, bandages on his face leading to his body, one arm in a cast and the other in bandages with his leg in a full cast.

Todoroki breaks the silence with " Mr. Aizawa, we decided to come see how you're feeling."

Bakugo whispers to me "Hand him the flowers you damn idiot" while saying the idiot part a in an aggravated tone while pushing me forward.

"K...Kacchan?" I whisper back. "W...We got you flowers Mr. Aizawa.". He looks at me but I can't tell what he's feeling thanks to the bandages on his face.
My thoughts are interrupted by an announcement on the facility's speaker.


"W...WHAT?" I shout in fear and frustration.

"EVERYONE OUT" All might yells as he wheels a now wheel chair bound Aizawa out of the room. As we walk down a narrow hall. We arrive at a heavy duty elevator with doors that open vertically.

"Everyone step in, there should be enough room". Surprisingly there was an adequate amount of room, it was just that big. The elevator stops and the lights go out.

"D...Did the power just go out" Kaminari asks in obviously nervous tone.

"Yup, and this facility doesn't have any back up generators too" All Might exclaims.

Tokoyami says rather calmly "That's great to hear".

"What kind of high grade facility doesn't have backup generators" Sero asks as he started panicking so hard tape started to come out of his elbows.

"Don't worry I've got an idea" I exclaim while somehow keeping it together.

I explain my plan and everyone seems to be on board.

First Jiro listens for anyone on the other side, there was. Next, Momo creates a stage light that runs on electricity. Then Kaminari powers the stage light. Then me and Sato open the elevator doors.

I bring One for All to as much as I can handle, then me and Sato do our best to open the doors.

"What was that?" a voice said.

"NOW" I yell at Momo.

Kaminari gets the electricity going and the lights powered up.

Jiro laughs as Kaminari loses his senses.

"THE HELL IS THAT LIGHT" the thug exclaims, good.

Now Tsu can reel her in as Sero ties her up.

We all rush out of the building that now looks like a mere shadow from outside without power to see an army of villains, and behind them was fallen heroes who tried to stop them. Even Gang Orca and Best Jeanist were among them who tried but failed.

"We're's Aizawa" a voice said. It was that blue flamed guy with the disfigured face. Dabi I think it was.

"All for Ones gonna need him thank you." he says with a blank face.

"You want him..." Bakugo says while Endeavour, Mt.Lady, Gran Torino and Kamui woods appear seemingly out of nowhere.

"I thought you guys were supposed to guard the building?" All might asks in frustration.

"We decided to get the back, we were lucky cause they were planning on sneaking..."

"LET ME FINISH DAMN IT!" Bakugo shouts. He turns Back and finish's with a smirk "You'll have to go through us".

We didn't know what was going to happen, but we didn't care cause we were going to win.

Thus a battle breaks loose.
UA vs The League of Villains

Awwww man.

So that's it for chapter 2, sorry for it being so short, but don't worry I'll increase it.

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