Stand Proud

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I'm glad I got this chapter out.
I honestly was just stuck on this one but here you go.

Narrators POV

It had been a busy week for the sleep deprived Mei Hatsume. Although she hadn't slept in days she was stuck on trying get past a roadblock in her latest and most important invention. It all came down to one problem, time.

"Shit" she cursed after another failed solution.

'It's all failing, nothings working for shit' she pondered furiously.
Mei Hatsume might have suffered the most out of the U.A students in terms of psychological damage after the whole All for One fiasco was all said and done. She was completely mad with finding a way to reverse the situation. Her mental state had healed to a degree but about a week ago she found herself nonstop working on a machine with little promise in theory but seemed to be going fantastically...

"SHIT" she cussed least up until now.

"Soon, we will save them my baby"
She whispered.

Mei Hatsume was trying to build a time machine.

Bakugo's POV

The sun was setting, I'm not sure whether to ignore the knot in my stomach or not.

That damn nerd. Even with my ace in the hole I couldn't beat him, and he's a massive prick now too.

I clench my fist in anger and speak to myself out loud.

"Next time Deku, I'm gonna send your ass flying you hear me"

I can't believe believe Uraraka likes that shitty fuck. I bite my lip.

"Damn it"

I unwrap my bandages and bolt out of there nurse said I was cleared anyways.

I take the hospital gown off and put the clothes Kirishima dropped off for me.

I exit the room, and head for the dorms. I can't stand to be in there anymore.

I don't even know what to do, everyone's eyes on me, thinking just because Deku beat me I'm inferior?!

No, I'm being childish. I'm reverting to old habits. Well I won't let that fucking happen damn it. But. Still.

Why does Uraraka like him so much?


I hit something.

It's small and...

                         ...a child?

"Hey watch were your going" I say bluntly to the child.

"S-sorry" she replies so quiet I can barely hear her. She looks up at me.

It's Eri.

Deku's POV

My knuckles are bloody and his face his even bloodier. His nose is so twisted it's almost at s perfectly 90 degree angle to the right, his left eye puffed so he can't see with it and lip busted so bad there purple, but he just won't go down.

It was supposed to be a quick take down. He was beating the shit out of some homeless guy for the money he had gotten from donations (which is surprising in the way everything is, at the moment).

"Stop this. Do you even see yourself?You need a doctor!" I mildly shout at him. He smirks and states through his busted lips "I'm just a decoy who's supposed to stand long enough to distract you, Deku".

"Decoy? SHI..."
Before I finish I'm hit by a lone fist that was probably teleported underneath me at my most vulnerable. I feel myself slowly lose consciousness.

'DAMN IT' is what I yell in my head
but I comes out as a barely audible


I slowly fade into a black nothingness.

"Midoriya?" a voice calls out echoing in my head.

I open my eyes to blackness but it's like I can still see.

"Midoriya?!" The familiar voice calls out again.

I walk to wards it but nothing gets clearer.

"Young Midoriya?!"

He's behind me.

I turn around after I hear the voice now clear as day. How could I forget that voice. The one who helped me get here. The one who guided me.

"It's good to see you again..."

The number one hero

"...Young Midoriya."

"A-All might?" I whisper.

"Expecting someone else?".

He smiles wholesomely. "It looks like you're not being very heroic lately my boy" he states still smiling.

My knees are glued to the floor while tears are streaming down my face. I've been here before. This isn't a hallucination.

"What's troubling you my boy?" he asks softly. "I'm hear to help you become the symbol so come on, out with it!" still with the smile on his face.

I can't speak, I'm still lost for words.

"Don't worry, I'll speak. Midoriya..." he puts his hand on my head. "...please don't let darkness consume you. It's eating away at the hero in you and..." he pauses and drops his smile. His head tilts down and continues, "It scares me, and I can't just resurrect myself and slap the sense into you. I have to let you do that yourself". His smiles returns and I feel it's warm rays of sun. "I know you can over come this, hell I did when my master died and now..." he looks behind him and waves to a woman with black hair in hero costume. He continues back to me ", I've told her about all the things I've done, and all about you.
So Izuku..." he reaches his hand out to me "...stand proud, and remember who still needs you" he smiles and waits for my hand.

I reach for his and a blinding white light wakes me back...

to reality

"I doubt he's is, but still..." the busted face guy says.

"Let's make sure!" His partner says with bloodlust visible in his eyes.

I punch the his parter with a
12% Detroit Smash and he's out.

"SHIT" busted face yells, "WHY CANT YOU JUST STAY DOWN?!!"

I remember what he said so vividly.

I put myself in a battle pose and yell back...

"Because I'm here, IM HERE TO STAND PROUD!!"

I see now All might. Thank you.

Thank you and Goodnight I'm going to sleep now. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and what's a character that should get more screen time? For now though, goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2020 ⏰

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