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Continued From The Last Part:


Arnav went through the book to find information on the person that intrigued him the most. The hard-headed astute businessman sat down in a lone section of a museum reading up on the history of Sheesh Mahal in relation to one particular Khushi Gupta.

'The lives of Ministers of Gwalior' by Anton Black:

Written by a British Historian fascinated by Indian History, the book talked about the different ministers through times in the court of Gwalior. Their lives, how they treated the royalty and how they were treated by the royalty along with many pictures and references.

A singular mention of 'Rajendra Gupta' alerted Arnav purely due to his last name.

"Rajendra Gupta was the minister of defense in the early 18th century. His stratagems and exploits helped protect Gwalior from Local and European invaders. The Nawab was so pleased that a palace by name 'Sheesh Mahal' was given to him as a gift.

The tragic story of Khushi Kumari Gupta: (this was accompanied by a few of Khushi's pictures)

Rajendra Gupta's only daughter- Khushi Kumari Gupta received the Mahal from her father as a birthday gift on her 15th birthday. Though being his daughter, Rajendra Gupta ensured that she was taught most of the skills of war that a son would be expected to learn including single combat, sword fight, horse riding along with music and arts. Khushi was known to be a beautiful, witty, strong, independent young woman.

Being an ardent lover of nature, she was enthralled when presented with 'Sheesh Mahal' as it was bordered by deep jungles, and close to nature. It is said that Khushi hated the hustle bustle of cities and preferred to stay close to villages and forests due to their sheer simplicity of life. Khushi was always found visiting the Mahal with her close younger cousins (the daughters of her fathers sisters) and her governess.

Even though girls younger to her were married during that time period, Rajendra Gupta waited for a fitting suitor to request his daughter's hand in marriage. In addition, Khushi was given complete freedom to pursue her interests and hobbies.

(The rest of the portion is obtained from snippets and extracts of her cousins' and some friends' statements)

It is said that when Khushi was 18 years old, while boating, she was caught in a flood of Ganges river near Kannuaj. Unable to escape the force of water, she was almost killed in front of her cousins, when a man 7-8 years older than her, rescued her risking his life. It was Ananth, a son of a rich trader in one of the villages, Komalpur, surrounding Lucknow.

Thanking him for his generous help, Khushi invited him over to Sheesh Mahal. Gradually their friendship changed into love, and Ananth could be seen meeting Khushi quite often at the Mahal confidentially with her cousins' help. Ananth and Khushi were deeply in love with each other and consummated their relationship.

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