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A couple of days later in a Conference Room:

Akash had called Arnav over to Delhi for a business meet. While there, Arnav had multiple serious discussions with Akash, Aman and a couple others. They went step by step over the present situation and decided the best course of action.

As everyone stepped out of the conference room to give him a breather, Arnav put his head back on the chair as he mentally went through the recent chain of events- how Vishal and he had gone back the previous night again to investigate the portrait, Vishal's conclusions, how Chanda had called Khushi dangerous, what all he had learnt from Chanda, how everything was slowly falling in place...

Arnav knew he was pretty close to cracking the puzzle, so to speak...

"Khushi", he reminisced, "I haven't seen you in three weeks. Please come meet me, I need to know you are safe", he thought fervently, "please be safe"

The picture of the hazel eyed beauty smiling at him in the moonlit garden was soothing to his mind's eye.

He opened his eyes to a call on his phone as he pressed the speaker, "Yes Dr.Sharma"

"ASR, your blood reports have come. Did you want to discuss on phone?"

"Yes please"

Arnav listened patiently to what the doctor had to say.

"Alright then", Dr.Sharma said, "You are not anemic"

"That's a good thing", Arnav said, "then why have I collapsed in the past few days so much?"

"I suspect hypoglycemia- low blood sugar"

"But I am a diabetic and I need to take medications to reduce my high blood sugar"

"That is true but we found traces of sulfonylureas in your plasma", Dr.Sharma paused, "sulfonylureas are also used for diabetes but that is not the medicine you have been prescribed"

"Your blood glucose levels are fluctuating severely", "Stick to your medicines ASR", Dr.Sharma said gravely, "Do not take other medicines that I have not prescribed for you, that too in such high doses.. you must watch, it is dangerous, it could lead to coma or even death"

"Thank you doctor", Arnav disconnected the call and threw the phone on the carpet enraged at what was happening to him.

Hearing a thud, he looked up surprised to see Akash walking in and closing the door of the conference room.

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