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Hi dears, a very important chapter of the story.. It turns the story by 180 degrees.. :-)

Do let me know your thoughts...

A couple of weeks later:

It had been two weeks since Arnav had been in the library researching on his enigma. His pragmatic brain went through all the possible permutations and combinations. He wanted more.... be it intuition or information. Even though he had dived deep into work right away, there were multiple times he was found alone, deep in thought. 

Time was running out and he had to get Khushi... get her out unharmed... and himself.. for- according to her, he was in equal danger as was she...

He was not sure who to discuss this with- for fear of being called crazy...Until the incident a week ago... In that person he had found a true ally...

Flashback: (In Italics)

Aman called Arnav to let him know about a cancelled meeting in Delhi. Arnav was not happy as they were looking forward to this collaboration. Mr.Seth had to cancel due to a family emergency, and that gave Aman and Arnav some extra time to discuss other stuff. 

It was then that Aman casually mentioned that when he went to Surat to order some materials the day before, he chanced upon Anjali's husband Shyam.

That bowled Arnav because he knew for a fact that Anjali had gotten an air ticket for Shyam to Bombay through AR's travel desk. And Shyam had claimed that he was traveling to Bombay on work.

"This only means one thing" Arnav thought, "he is back to his amoral ways"

Since his childhood, Arnav was especially protective about Anjali and hence did not wait to teach Shyam some ethics. He flew in secrecy to Surat, while his family here in Sheesh Mahal continued to think that he went to Delhi. 

When he confronted Shyam, what he found out blew his mind.

Flashback ends...

Arnav Singh Raizada was not known for his patience. However, when it came to matters of heart, he could be the God of Patience himself.

Arnav knew Khushi loved him, but he had not seen her in more than two weeks. He just wished she was fine. He remembered her words again & again- My portrait is the key...

At night when everyone was sleeping, he slipped back alone into the north-wing to look at her portrait again. He went through each and every portrait of royal families and Zamindars that owned Sheesh Mahal since it was built in 1500s.

As he went from the Grand Foyer in the north-wing, he noticed a shadow moving parallel to him. He smiled... He moved closer to the portrait of Khushi Gupta and was pleased that the moonlight was obstructed by the huge Mahogany branches. The semi-darkness made the perfect setting for the detective work that they were going to do...

Arnav helped the other person to open his tool kit gently.

"Let me know if I can help you Vishal" he said

"No problem sir", the man took a deep breath, "Just give me a few minutes"

Arnav heard keenly for any possible sounds or movements. "This has to happen" he thought, "And no one should have a wind about this"

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